Gone Lawn
a journal of literature
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Gone Lawn 12
Autumn, 2013

Featured Excerpt

Lauren Jonik

Inhale, Exhale

I'm silent and waiting for the wind, a dandelion not yet ready to be born. Closing my eyes, all I see is yellow, the golden light of possibility. Inhale, exhale. Spread my love to wherever it may land and I will bloom. Everywhere is home. I want you to see. Am I talking to you or the mirror? Do you even hear what I say? Sometimes, I'm quiet and waiting for the wind, a wave seeking the shore. Diving under, all I see is murky blue, the safety of oblivion. Inhale, exhale. Drift onward to wherever I may land or I will freeze. Nowhere is home. I want you to decide. Am I begging you or the mirror? I am quiet and waiting for the wind, a bird still in the nest. Opening my eyes, all I see is brown, the tangled form of a future. Inhale, make a sound. Unfurl my wings, look over the edge and I will stretch a little more. Involuntarily. Down there, up there—both are home. I want to fly. Am I tempting you or the mirror? I am quiet and waiting for the wind, a small melody still stuck in my throat. Opening my eyes, all I see is white, the endless blank page. Inhale, pick up the pen, exhale. Say something and I will show you who you are. Write something and you will know. They will know. We will know. All there is is home. I want you to belong. Am I inviting you or the mirror? I am no longer quiet, but waiting for the wind, wheels up on blocks, turning, turning. Turning around and around, all I see is motion, the blurred movement of everything. Breathe faster, breathe slower, slower still and deeper. Set me free and I will push. I am ready to create a home. I want to believe. Am I talking to you or the mirror? I am here and singing in the wind, a flower swaying in the sun. Celebrating, all I see is beauty, the vibrant mystery of life. Inhale, savor, exhale, release. I have bloomed. Everywhere is home. I allow you to see me and that I am your mirror. And, you are mine. Reflect and shine, reflect and shine.

Lauren Jonik writes: I'm a freelance writer and photographer who resides in Brooklyn, NY. I also currently study writing at The New School for Public Engagement. My photography can be viewed here