our artists
accounting issues 1—58
Cezarija Abartis :
Orpheus and Eurydice: Letters and Stories, GL 25
Amber, GL 41
Mark Abdon :
Airport Barn Swallows, GL 56
Kristin Abraham :
Truth Séance + Viaje de Viraje, GL 10
Juliette Adair :
Inside You Is a Tiny House, GL 53
Rosie Adams :
The Type of Hell, GL 26
Trey Adams :
Scattershot, GL 42
John Gabriel Adkins :
Unknowable, GL 9
Abhineet Agarwal :
Brief Excursion to an Underwater Planet, GL 46
Kallirroe Agelopoulou :
Future Play, GL 13
Sarah Ahmad :
doggynotail, GL 2
Busayo Akinmoju :
Pretty Work, GL 52
Miriam Alex :
The Light Doesn't Fall Like It Used To, GL 40
Jessica Alexander :
The Nurse, GL 25
Maya Alexandri :
The Body and the Virus, GL 24
Sobia Ali :
When Mother Lay Dying, GL 36
Ashlie Allen :
Vocal Chords + Demon Hair, GL 18
Dakila + Hello, GL 19
Trespasser + Hearty Strings, GL 31
Brianne Allen :
Teen Mom Song, GL 31
Christopher Allen :
Pru in the Dimple of the Broad-Smiling Boy, GL 6
What If All the Oceans, GL 34
Lisa Alletson :
A Dress of Shadows, GL 45
First Dream of the Dead, GL 53
Swetha Amit :
Crow at My Window, GL 55
Mileva Anastasiadou :
How Would You Call Me If You Forgot My Name?, GL 30
Rose Andersen :
The Gift, GL 26
Evan Anderson :
The Boy Who Carried Fire, GL 20
Kristen Julia Anderson :
Sister (excerpt), GL 6
Nathan Anderson :
A Name, GL 36
Matthew J Andrews :
The Sale, GL 42
Madeline Anthes :
Runners, GL 28
Josh Anthony :
Germland + Staged Processing Unit #124-C, GL 20
Nicholas P Anthony :
The Boy and the Mausoleum, GL 16
Matthew Antonio :
Imaginary Women, GL 7
Robert Nazar Arjoyan :
The Goddener, GL 56
Mikki Aronoff :
The Trapeze Artist, GL 45
Now We See See You, Now We Don't, GL 51
Andrew Arthur :
Today's Lineup, GL 46
Artemis Asio :
Animal Compound, GL 7
Lae Astra :
Lea Astra, GL 53
Marc Atkinson :
Five Fears, GL 15
Lisa Attanasio :
The Beginning of Something, GL 44
Nancy Au :
I See It All, GL 25
Kirill Azernyi :
Monument to the Defeated, GL 25
Naomi Azriel :
A Three Minute Editorial Board Meeting, GL 48
Alexander V Bach :
Eden + But for the Company of Me-rrors: An Infinitum, GL 11
Maryam Bahraminejad :
Listen, GL 25
An Old Soul + The Night, GL 28
A A Balaskovits :
The Mother Left Behind, GL 21
Marie Baleo :
Signed, GL 26
Devon Balwit :
Where, then, should we go?, GL 29
Aja & W C Bamberger :
Refolding Fallen Dominoes (A Phantom Parallax), GL 14
Elonora Balsano :
Forgotten, Forgiven, GL 49
Maggie Bára :
Campbell's Chicken & Stars, GL 11
Tina Barry :
“Ghosts?” + Henrietta asks about my sex life + So, your father, Henrietta says, GL 49
Julie Brooks Barbour :
Girl Flips the Sound of Profane Words on Her Tongue + Girl at the Dinner Table, GL 45
Abbie Barker :
How to Check on Your Sister Without Entering Her Apartment, GL 39
Cécile Barlier :
Home, GL 33
Amy Barnes :
Goldilocks + Docked, GL 41
Elodie Barnes :
The Dolls' House, GL 53
Back Home, GL 41
Sandra K Barnidge :
The Box, GL 36
Maria Alejandra Barrios :
The Color of Eggs, GL 44
Tina Barry :
Exhausted Opera + Fifth Birthday, GL 26
Susan Barry-Schulz :
Virgo + into the plated cannolis, GL 52
L S Bassen :
Gottesman's Constant, GL 11
Cayce Bat :
Childhood + Rock from the Past, GL 39
Clare Bayard :
Gulf August Inside Out + Emeralds, GL 57
Kate Beall :
Chicken and Egg Story, GL 54
Michael Beard :
Split from Bone + Moon Dog + Devotion, GL 58
Jacqueline Bédard :
Date Night + Below, GL 36
Jack Bedell :
June Bug, GL 38
AND / WHAT / SO + little mistakes, GL 47
When i think of my mother, i remember, GL 50
first to go + mirrored aubade, GL 58
Hugh Behm-Steinberg :
Luna Park + Don't! + The Secret Ingredient, GL 12
Allison Field Bell :
Fruit Trees, GL 55
Lisa Bellamy :
What They Read + Eating Sadness, GL 17
HC Bending :
Bathtub Animals, GL 42
Blair Benjamin :
Touch Tank, GL 45
Laurel Benjamin :
The Starling, GL 56
Emi Benn :
White Tigers, GL 30
Tantra Bensko :
Breaking the Seal, GL 1;
Bringing a New Poet into Your Room, GL 3
Dick Bentley :
Natalie, Duck Woman, GL 32
Ariel Berry :
Not the Rug She Wanted, GL 15
Laura Besley :
Conditions for Living, GL 53
Andrew Bertaina :
The English Professor, GL 51
Aditi Bhattacharjee :
Homecomings with Unexpected Outcomes, GL 56
Shinjini Bhattacharjee :
Sarah as a glass chamber + Watching a Woman Breathe Out an &, GL 17
Mary Biddinger :
That Stuff Is Going to Kill You, GL 42
Catherine Biggart :
Hunger, GL 12
Lyndy Biller :
Paper Doll, GL 51
Jane Biral :
Having My Baby, GL 14
Joe Bisicchia :
Suspension of Belief + Call of the Raven, GL 48
Sheila Black :
Birds + Saint Pancreas, GL 29
Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind :
The Man in Love with a Spoon, GL 46
Annie Blake :
Tale of Two Hills, GL 28
The Children Rise, GL 33
Dana Blatte :
Midas, GL 39
CL Bledsoe :
Freedom with a Hint of Cherry + Knees, GL 10
Lisa Bledsoe :
The Insistence of Forward Motion & the Wildness of Love + The Boat She's In Is Made of Salt, GL 45
Meredith Blankinship :
Sleep Repair for Dummies + Deathfuck, GL 17
William Blome :
Our Association with Andrew, GL 12
Sam Bloom :
Birds, GL 28
Greg Bogaerts :
Landscape with Three Trees and a House, GL 16
Wendy BooydeGraaff :
La La La La, GL 39
Daniel Borzutzky :
The Mall, GL 4
Kelli Short Borges :
Fledgelings + Hero, GL 50
Sarah Borror :
black bows + I listen to Chet Baker when I'm lonely, GL 56
Timothy Boudreau :
Postcards, GL 53
Kristy Bowen :
from apocalypse theory: a reader, GL 12
Andi Boyd :
The City Maker, GL 20
Frances Boyle :
One in a Crowd + Whole Cloth, GL 47
April Bradley :
Encoded, GL 45
James Bradley :
Artist Statement #64 + Artist Statement #82, GL 12
S T Brant :
Three Stanzas on Eugenio Montale, GL 40
Tammy Breitweiser :
The Last Time, GL 39
R Bremner :
To the Two Nicoles, GL 27
Al Bray :
Ariadne after Hours, GL 5
Sean Brijbasi :
excerpts from a dictionary of coincidences, volume i (hi), GL 2
Andreas Britz :
The Fan, GL 17
Hannah Brown :
Hide and Seek, GL 13
Kelly Brown :
Jackrabbit, GL 22
Michaela Brown :
Way Down, GL 49
Randall Brown :
Merry + Restoration of Farmhouse 1724, GL 26
Beth Browne :
The Wild Flight of Bookshop Chair, GL 14
Saturn Browne :
Migration Pattern, GL 50
Leah Browning :
Sisters of Divine Grace, GL 57
Bri Bruce :
When We Came to Live in the Little Yellow house + In the Wind, GL 49
Erich Brumback :
The Sea of Knowledge, GL 32
Natasha Burge :
Womb Abyssal + Where Gravity Collects, GL 27
John Buhrmann :
Encoded, GL 45
Brian Builta :
My Knuckle-Headed Boy + In Session, GL 47
september 11 + september 14, GL 58
Victoria Buitron :
On the Brink, GL 44
Owen Bullock :
The Advice Box + Language Tic(k)s, GL 48
Colleagues + Goat, GL 52
Chaos Order, GL 56
Improvisations on Ligeti's études, GL 58
Natasha Burge :
All Automatons Grieve in Secret + Home Movie, GL 34
Rand Burgess :
Askew in the Family, GL 6
William Burtch :
Peep Quack, GL 42
Carly Bush :
Atrium, GL 35
Jacob Butlett :
The Squirrel Story, GL 26
Natasha Cabot :
Spinning, GL 1
Iris Cai :
Blue, GL 58
Imaani Cain :
Petite Wasmes, GL 21
John Cairns :
Dark Side, GL 11
Lauren Camp :
The Future of These Days + The Sun Sings of Escape, GL 48
Andy Campbell :
1: A digital poem that gets eaten by a parasite, GL 41
Natalie Campisi :
I was born + I was schooled, GL 27
Jane Rebecca Cannarella :
When You Move into the Brick House, GL 20
Dakota Canon :
Romeo and Juliet in the Time of Veronavirus — Retellings by Genre, GL 38
Rachel Canwell :
Maggie Remembers, GL 52
Sarah E Caouette :
proof., GL 19
David Capps :
Carnival Divorce, GL 49
Alana I Capria :
The Bride Resists the Chamber, GL 3
Roberto Carcache Flores :
Budapest Bridges, GL 22
Jason Carney :
Convalesce, GL 24
Anika Carpenter :
A Rising Tide, GL 50
Tess Carroll :
Origin of the Jaggedog, GL 31
Jan Carson :
The Future, GL 14
Salena Casha :
Portland on my Mind, GL 26
James Cato :
Endurance Alone, GL 39
Jessica Cavero :
Pierced, GL 33
Joel Chace :
Branches, GL 24
Leigh Chadwick :
Every Day Is a Good Day to Listen to 'Someday'
+ The Domesticity of Spoiled Milk, GL 42
Matthew Chamberlin :
Committal, GL 21
Emma Chan :
guide to drowning, GL 54
Michael Chaney :
The Dogpark in Fall, GL 9
Sara Biggs Chaney :
Domestic Noir, GL 17
Abigail Chang :
Girls in the Womb, GL 45
K-Ming Chang :
Ouyang Ayi, GL 39
Myna Chang :
Empire, GL 40
Catastrophic Disruption, GL 44
Anne Cheilek :
Smoke + Uncertainty, GL 29
Christine H Chen :
Raging Waters, GL 41
How Lady Bai's First Human Husband Disappeared, GL 58
Amanda Chiado :
Great Fish, GL 17
You, Too Will Be Sacrificed, GL 55
Ben Child :
Ear Phucking Monkey, GL 18
MDS Chill :
The Telegraph Operator, GL 17
Kim Chinquee :
Eyewear + Holes, GL 3
Jamez Chang :
Bridge Pins, GL 10
Joyce Chong :
Entomophobia, GL 15
Circus :
Slip, GL 34
James Claffey :
Easter Sunday, GL 7
Holt Clark :
The Stone Shaper, GL 22
Cassandra A Clarke :
Wise Woman of To-shima, GL 20
Kelle Schillaci Clarke :
From Here, You Can Hear Them Scream, GL 42
Sarah Clayville :
Dust to Dust, GL 28
Brad Cobb :
Come and See, GL 32
Thomas Cochran :
Swim at Your Own Risk, GL 7
Christopher K Coffman :
Eating Leo Tolstoy, GL 45
Gabriel Coffman :
Buried by Leaves + Cathedral Feedback, GL 36
Lise Colas :
Sleeping Beauty Variations, GL 22
Michael Cole :
Somnambulist to a Friend, GL 38
W A Coleman :
The Night We Were Others, GL 31
Elizabeth Coletti :
On Using Your Childhood Bathroom at Christmas, GL 57
Emily Collins :
A Stillness that Moves, GL 27
Sheldon Lee Compton :
Other Ears Look Fine, GL 16
The Good Life, GL 41
Jude Conlee :
Trauma's Wings, GL 22
Bill Cook :
Jane, Janice & Jackie, GL 42
Rebecca Cook :
What It Does, GL 14
Thomas Cook :
The End Is the Beginning + One-Way Mirror, GL 32
Lancaster Cooney :
The Law of Suppression, GL 18
Savannah Cooper :
I Saw Her + Two A.M., GL 29
Amanda Corbin :
heartcandy + delirium tremens, GL 47
Mike Corrao :
Biographies of Bodies, GL 28
Three Anomolies, GL 30
Dawn Corrigan :
A Brief History of a Country, GL 15
Destiny Cannon, GL 20
Katie Cortese :
Letluvintrin®, GL 14
Natalie Cortez-Klossner :
Moon-Girl & the case for letting go of people-pleasing, GL 46
Augusto Corvalan :
Horror #40 — To forget the Crow Completely Is a Mistake, GL 15
Chella Courington :
Parenting 101 + Three Quarter Time + Chopped Salad
for One, GL 10
A Drone's Life + A Possible Indication + June 2013 on the Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides + For Her Twelfth Birthday, GL 13
Tia Cowger :
Skin Walker, GL 29
Viridian + Marsupial, GL 51
Tim Craig :
Nails, GL 46
Marisa Crane :
Two Truths and a Lie, GL 32
Henry Crawford :
The Box Plague, GL 37
Dan Crawley :
Hotline, GL 50
Sarah-Jane Crowson :
Crysalis + A Machine to Create Light, GL 44
Andrés Cruciani :
A Confession Found Scrawled on Toilet Paper in a
Men's Bathroom on April 30th 2016, GL 23
Ayn Frances dela Cruz :
Beating the Drums + La belle et bete Variations, GL 15
Sean Cunningham :
Haunting + The Sweetest of Teeth + Aurum, GL 29
Michael Czyzniejewski :
And a Cherry on Top, GL 53
Ella Dailey :
Snow Day, GL 54
Lori D'Angelo :
How She Died + Stay, GL 55
Deirdre Danklin :
Excerpt from In a Dim Age of Water, GL 47
Judy Darley :
The Moth Room, GL 21
Justin Lawrence Daughterty :
Neon Electric Butterflies, GL 17
Lâle Davidson :
Ending Hunger, GL 16
Ciahnan Darrell :
February in the City, GL 22
Joseph Dante :
Elixirs, GL 27
Subhravanu Das :
The Shadow Seller, GL 40
Shome Dasgupta :
Peanut Butter, GL 48
Thad DeVassie :
Neighborhood Politics + Orphans, GL 54
Daniel Davis :
The Girls, GL 7
Mia Grace Davis :
Open Casket, GL 52
Tommy Dean :
The Disease that Keeps Us Alive + In High Places, We Tremble, GL 45
Voices Raised against the Ravaging of Bodies, GL 52
Jacques Debrot :
Burning Torch, GL 16
Mary DeCarlo :
The Internet's Predicting the End Times Again, GL 48
Daniel DeRock :
Clutch and Lure, GL 39
Gay Degani :
No One Talks, GL 23
Jake Deluca :
Swimming Practice, GL 23
Scott Daughtridge DeMer :
Beneath Your Earth, Another Earth, GL 35
Carol Deminski :
The Temple Maiden, GL 13
Tyler Dempsey :
Time As a Sort of Enemy, GL 24
The Equation, GL 33
Stephanie Devine :
We Hiked the Mine-Shaft Trail, GL 34
Lisa De Young :
The Key of Curiosity, GL 21
Shiksha Dheda :
Dear Childhood, GL 44
James Diaz :
Mountain + Death in the Family, GL 35
Michael Díaz Feito :
How the Memory Mechanics, GL 24
Mike DiChristina :
Appeal, GL 2
Christopher DiCicco :
Man from the Sun, GL 19
Stephanie Dickinson :
Postcard from the Bum House, GL 19
Salvatore Difalco :
Squalo, GL 28
The Dead Canary + The Dalí Lobster, GL 41
Pinnochio per Tutti, GL 54
Daniel DiFranco :
The Universe Hums in B Flat, GL 21
Haley DiRenzo :
Like Magic, GL 58
Sara Dobbie :
I Always Hated Your Mother but I Swear It Wasn't Me Who Chopped Off Her Head, GL 52
Justin Dobbs :
M, GL 27
Matthew Donahue :
A Shade of Reality, GL 22
Sheila Dong :
magic eye picture + bad influence + reckoning, GL 39
John Dorroh :
How Fast Can You Run from the City?, or Requiem for the Perfect
Ditch, GL 37
A School Mix, GL 45
Jon Doughboy :
14 Maple Candies, GL 52
Jérémi Doucet :
To Catch a Precious Frog, GL 39
Rachel A Dowling :
The Owl Lantern, GL 11
Jacqueline Doyle :
Ready or Not, GL 41
Little Dove, GL 46
B L Draper :
The Smell of Honey, GL 15
Sarah Dravec :
I Invented an Ambulance + Anna in brown and red, GL 17
Christopher M Drew :
Bulletproof, GL 42
Sidney Dritz :
The Other King of the Jungle, GL 39
Duncan Drury :
Cowger, GL 51
Merridawn Duckler :
Shipping the Gods of Sitcom + Dream Job, GL 43
Alex Duensing :
Among the Purpose of Dreams + The Free Sutra, GL 19
Molia Dumbleton :
Twenty-Four Hours, GL 23
Robin Wyatt Dunn :
The Great American Novel, GL 9
Sarah Dunphy-Lelii :
athene cunicularia, GL 43
Lindsey Godfrey Eccles :
Swallow, GL 58
Erika Eckart :
The Mothers + Plenty, GL 32
Annabelle Edwards :
Freckles, GL 14
Austin Eichelberger :
Dreams without Sleep (Notes), GL 10
Alicia Elkort :
The Sparrow + You Don't Have to Be Good, GL 31
Berit Ellingsen :
Blue Star, Singular Fire, GL 11
Philip Elliott :
West Queen West, 11:04 p.m. + Immigrants, GL 35
R H Emmers :
Cowboys and Indians, GL 35
william erickson :
Light Emitting Diode + CUratorial Experience, GL 51
Susan Emshwiller :
Something Broke, GL 16
Kelsey Englert :
His Unmarked Path, GL 26
Jennifer Evans :
Homecoming, GL 57
Denise Falcone :
Tell Me You Love Me, GL 18
Triumphs and Laments, GL 22
Kim Farleigh :
Sod & the Insomniacs, GL 14
A Change in Perception, GL 26
Dion Farquhar :
Bloomington, 1988, GL 12
George J Farrah :
It Was On Again Today, GL 4
William Fedigan :
Lady Friend Hears Voice of God, GL 4
Oladejo Abdullah Feranmi :
Elegies to each broken thing, GL 46
Alder Fern :
I've Been to a Butcher Shop where My Whole Town was on the Scale, GL 36
Rebecca Field :
The Celebrity Chef's Wife, GL 47
Gary Fincke :
The Adoration of Borders, GL 53
Jamie Finn :
A Spark of Life, GL 44
Kathy Fish :
Vocabulary + Bear, GL 18
Connor Fisher :
Subaltern State + Ornaments, GL 39
K M Flatowicz-Farmer :
Something Horrid, GL 7
Travis Flatt :
Crumblings, GL 55
Rory Fleming :
Palette Swap, GL 9
Gloams, GL 12
Pride & Disappointment, GL 14
Elizabeth Fletcher :
Threshold, GL 42
Peri Fletcher :
In the Old Places, GL 23
Jennifer Fliss :
Womman Comma Witcy, GL 51
Stephanie Flood :
The Girl in the Box, GL 17
Sandra Florence :
How Carl Became Jung, GL 37
Spencer Folkins :
Shadow Mosaic, GL 23
Craig Foltz :
Relevant Population, GL 32
Emily Fontenot :
For Those Who Don't Survive, GL 37
Pat Foran :
At the Super Elastic Bubble Plastic Commercial Shoot, GL 35
Nigel Ford :
The Scam and the Obsolete Processing Works, GL 27
Quinn Forlini :
Throwing the I Ching with my Father, GL 44
Lindsay Fowler :
Long Weekend, GL 24
Amarie Fox :
Dead Girls, GL 13
Nolcha Fox :
My Father's Ghost Hates Cats + What Does Silence Sound Like?, GL 43
Samuel J Fox :
Cardinals + Dremaing of Ice in the Middle of a Summer so Hot You Can Hear Satan Singing, GL 34
Alison Fraser :
Pruning, GL 47
Meg Freer :
Tears to Pearls + Numina, GL 41
Madeleine French :
Hammer, GL 58
C D Frelinghuysen :
Tesseract, GL 35
Jenny Fried :
Seven Dwarves, GL 34
Jeff Friedman :
Something Gone + My Father the Leopard, GL 56
Shauna Friesen :
Whale Fall, GL 54
Erik Fuhrer :
They, GL 32
James Gabriel :
Downtown Eve with Shakes and Smiles, GL 20
Kaitlyn Gaffney :
The Woods, GL 31
Joanna Galbraith :
The Imp and the Bones, GL 30
Jamey Gallagher :
Baby Day, GL 58
Mike Gallagher :
The Clonmel Set, GL 11
Julie Gard :
Meeting Place + Animate Objects, GL 30
Richard Garni :
Depression Flamingos + Borges Says: MIDDLEMARCH!, GL 4
Scott Garson :
Reality Show + Case, GL 51
Ω Lauren Brazeal Garza :
Interview with a Voice within an Abandoned Adult Care Facility, GL 47
Jo Gatford :
something serpentile + Hypoarousal + I talk to god at the planetarium, GL 57
June Gemmell :
Under the Leaves, GL 55
Steven Genise :
Harvesting Marsh Grass, GL 34
Perry Genovesi :
Shrinking Capital, GL 50
Angela Genusa :
The Baby, GL 8
Michelle Geoga :
BOBO (Buy One Get One Free), GL 47
Steve Gergley :
Listen, GL 49
Christien Gholson :
Another Apocalypse Poem Take 1 + Another Apocalypse Poem Take 27, GL 41
Elizabeth Gibson :
Plastic, metal, wood and glass + Avalon , GL 22
Kait Gilleran :
Wednesday Night, GL 31
Beth Gilstrap :
Can You Light a Candy Cigarette on Fire?, GL 44
Ron Gibson Jr. :
Graves Hollow, GL 24
Lisa Glasgow :
Alight in Tall Grass, GL 31
Katherine Gleason :
Envelop Me, GL 35
Samara Golabuk :
I Am Cuttlebone + My Grandmother, GL 27
Alisa Golden :
The Shelter of Bees, GL 22
The Ancestor Plant, GL 43
Aleah Sterman Goldin :
Geopolitics, GL 13
Anthony Gomez III :
When I Show Up to a Charlie Chaplin Lookalike Contest in Mexico, GL 43
Carley Gomez :
Saplings, GL 33
Tatiana Gonzalez :
The Fawn, GL 18
Ian Goodale :
The Man Made of Glass, GL 18
Melissa Goode :
Empire of Light, GL 30
Beth Gordon :
Man Finds 6-Month-Old Grandson's Coffin Floating in Water +
Second-Guessing, GL 25
Anita Goveas :
The Man in the Yellow Shirt, GL 31
0 Degrees, GL 39
Jacqueline Goyette :
Blush, GL 58
Laura Grace :
Unfound, GL 17
Jennifer Gravley :
This Moment Forward in My Body, GL 32
Kelly Gray :
Sick Like a + I Took a Thousand Pictures of You, GL 45
Alyssa Greene :
Aftermath, GL 30
Sarah Greenslit :
Our Histories (Are Blurring), GL 1
David Greenspan :
She Puts Makeup on the Shelf + One Thousand Times in my Head + I Don't Care What They Say about Us Anyway + Let's Be Friends and Just Walk Away, GL 7
Jamie Grefe :
To Damp Spit; To What Remains; To Polluted Interiors; To Renewal, GL 5;
Obscurities of the Doom Horizon (A Series of Forty Eight Interconnected Stories), GL 9
Avery Gregurich :
All About Breathing, GL 48
Nicholas Grider :
Precis Decay, GL 10
Pearl A Griffin :
Loving Arms, GL 37
Gabrielle Griffis :
Croneswort, GL 37
Ivy Grimes :
The Guessing Game, GL 5
Carol Guess :
Olympic National + Pink Priss Pot Weighs In + Early Floral, GL 11
Kyla Guimaraes :
Cyanotypes + Jenga, GL 58
Leyla Guirand :
Sod + The Propagating Spiral, GL 54
Samantha Guss :
The Erasure Project, GL 25
Kristin Gustafson :
Only 90s Kids Remember Hades + Another Dead Poem, GL 56
Lianuska Gutierrez :
Evolution of a Girl, GL 12
Peter Gutierrez :
Chocolate Child, GL 36
Lydia Copeland Gwyn :
My Fingers Loosen, GL 26
Betsy Finesilver Haberl :
Layers of the Earth, GL 43
David Hadbawnik :
From The White Album, GL 8
Kim Hagerich :
Centralia + The Anatomy of Desks, GL 37
Brittany Hailer :
Prophecy, GL 25
Ashley Hajimirsadeghi :
Asylum + At the End of Summer, GL 43
Billy Hallal :
In the Second before You Die, GL 37
Yoni Hammer-Kossoy :
Message in a Bottle to My Son + Anniversary, GL 29
Charlotte Hammond :
Birds in Concert, GL 22
Rachel Hammond :
How to Be Loved + You Are Your House, GL 19
Charlotte Hamrick :
Water, Altars and Other Worries, GL 35
Paul Handley :
Glam / Smut, GL 13
Joel Hans :
A Protest of Tortoise, GL 50
Nels Hanson :
Update, GL 22
Senia Hardwick :
Gauze Doll, GL 14
Clarice Hare :
Our Song, from Beginning to End + Last Weekend, GL 38
Court Harler :
Texting a Duck, GL 55
C J Harrington :
An Angel Opens a Vial, GL 13
L Mari Harris :
Exchange, GL 47
Emily Harrison :
Bait, GL 34
Amber Colleen Hart :
Mother's Circle, GL 28
Candace Hartsuyker :
He Told Us The Day The World Ended, Clouds Would Throb Desert Orange, GL 40
Taiwo Hassan :
Moribund Places, GL 56
j/j hastain :
From _Between diaspora and diapason_, GL 8
Compulsion and Coercion + Hot Slit, GL 14
Stephen Hastings-King :
From Calamity in Clamville, GL 8
Chris Haven :
Stray Explosion, GL 40
Roger Hecht :
Dog Person, GL 31
Jenny Hedley :
Killing the Lizard, GL 35
Justin Heinze :
I saw you by the wrecking post, GL 50
Margarét Helgadóttir :
Worker of the Year, GL 15
Death Wish, GL 21
Russell Hemmell :
Dancing Bautas of the Ashes' Day, GL 22
Kyle Hemmings :
Cat People #14: Magicians + Cat People #12: Tell-Tale Nights in the Heart of the City + Cat People #13: Noir + She Sounds Like Joni Mitchell Singing in a Taxi Whenever It Rains, GL 4
Christina Hennemann :
Observations from a Restaurant, GL 52
David Henson :
Seven Steps for Removing the Treehouse, GL 39
Jessica Hermes :
Untitled + My Psychologist, GL 41
Jason Heroux :
The Tour Guide + The Snow Removal Truck, GL 40
Julie A Hersh :
A Thing You Take with You, GL 33
Mickey Hess :
Here Stands a Catapult Emily Dickenson Rented, GL 4
Travis Hessman :
The Geometry of Distance, GL 4
Micah Dean Hicks :
The Pianist and the Octopus, GL 7
Suzanne Hicks :
The Favorite + Monsoon, GL 53
Frederick Highland :
Tale of a Trunk, GL 46
Nancy Hightower :
Till We Have Faces, GL 13
Ann Hillesland :
Lifeboat Drill, GL 25
Millie Ho :
Heavy Moons, GL 22
Emily Hockaday :
Class: Order Family + Portrait of a Humpback, GL 36
John Oliver Hodges :
Rebelee's Birthday, GL 2
Rebecca Hoffman :
Something Somewhere Someday, GL 20
Franziska Hofhansel :
An Extraordinary Example of 21st Century Statecraft
+ Sorry to Miss You, GL 40
Anderson Holderness :
The Ghost and Her Potatoes, GL 37
Pauline Holdsworth :
Amphibians, GL 47
Richard Holinger :
The Coin, GL 53
Kaely Horton :
Snake Lines, GL 34
J D Hosemann :
Deer Run When They See Our Eyes, GL 43
Daniel Hudon :
After the Forest, GL 29
Jen Schalliol Huang :
Solo, Sotto Voce + Common Prayer, GL 35
Rue Huang :
Woman Accidentally Joins Search Party Looking for Herself, GL 53
Nancy Huggett :
Inuksuk of Sorrows, GL 48
Trace Element + Riptide, GL 54
Aaron Hull :
Arrangements, GL 24
Heikki Huotari :
La Brea + Fearful Symmetry, GL 35
D J Huppatz :
The Professor, GL 57
Zebulon Huset :
Snow Falls. Drive Home., GL 36
The Garden Experiment + Sam's Diner, GL 53
Arboreal Arbitration, GL 57
Naana Hutchful :
My Mother (or an attempt at finishing things with no end), GL 54
Madilyne Igleheart :
Tiny Fearsome Creatures, GL 40
Rosabelle Illes :
Stars for sale: a buck each, GL 11
Onyekachi Iloh :
A Quest to Heal + Nocturne, GL 57
Ting Indistinguishable :
The Eight Minute Guarantee, GL 44
Moss Ingram :
Abused, GL 37
Ashley Inguanta :
Trash, GL 4;
Clay & Anchor, GL 5
Huxley Innis :
The Innis Report: The Not So New Guy, GL 10
Kelsey Ipsen :
Knives / Not Knives, GL 32
Jenny Irizary :
Witches and Princesses, GL 23
Rich Ives :
Of Course There Were Holes, GL 4
Declarations of Attendance, GL 6
Improperly Used Tools of Parenting, GL 22
In a Country East of Chicago, GL 30
Satoshi Iwai :
Crying Ecstasy + Under the Sun, GL 51
Michael Jacobson :
Excerpts from Mynd Eraser, GL 3
Andrew Jacono :
Daisies, GL 38
Rye Jaffe :
Pale, GL 33
Aishwarya Jain :
Love, GL 5
Addison James :
Paralax, GL 23
Vida James :
necropolitics, GL 43
Courtney Leigh Jameson :
Cortege: The Movement Of The Dead / The Dead of Movement, GL 14
Wes Jamison :
Eve, GL 18
Bethany Jarmul :
Becoming One, GL 47
Unprecedented Weather Patterns, GL 52
Flow State + Self-Soothing Is for the Birds, GL 55
Storm Takes a Vacation + Storm is an Astronaut, GL 58
Serena Jayne :
Our Relationship as a Monthly Subscription Box, GL 46
Nicole Jean :
The Ruminations of One Rupert P. Smith, GL 7
Laura Jeannerette :
Spaces I've Never Belonged, GL 50
Becca Borawski Jenkins :
A Girl Named Tree, GL 26
Elspeth Jensen :
Blue Genesis, GL 25
Alex S Johnson :
Happy Puppy Mask + An Architect of Ruins + The Learned Drive + A Brief History of Freezing Motion + Phantom of Love, GL 11
Bruce Johnson :
≠, GL 22
Kirby Johnson :
Poem about Alabama, GL 9
Carol Jones :
La Natura è Brutale, GL 27
Lauren Jonik :
Inhale, Exhale, GL 12
The Feline, GL 15
Krysia Jopek :
The Angel of Poetry, GL 19
Diane Josefowicz :
Hell Strip, GL 53
Rachel Joseph :
A Tiny Play, GL 27
Babo Kamel :
I feel I am on tip toe, GL 49
Anna Kander :
Fingernails, GL 26
Ann Kandikuppa :
Lexicon of Wife of Man with a Wandering Eye, GL 36
1, 2, 3, 4: A Puzzle, GL 48
Jason Kane :
6/22 — 7/22, GL 11
Madeleine Kannan :
VI + Carol, GL 14
Esmé Kaplan-Kinsey :
Reiteration, GL 45
Kangaroo, GL 54
Nazli Karabiyikoglu :
Almonds: The Pavement Runt, GL 33
Holly Karapetkova :
Survivor + After the Accident + Afterwards, GL 58
Jen Karetnik :
Instructions for Talking to a Student about Suicide; or, a Monologue to Self after the Fact, GL 34
Kirsten Kaschock :
Folie à Deux, GL 33
Paul Kasmai :
The Cyclist, GL 16
Olga Katsovskiy :
What We Are Made Of, GL 49
Erica Kaufman :
And Again, Tomorrow, GL 18
William Keckler :
Dear Stalkee, GL 6
Anna Kegler :
Whippersnapper + Evacuation, GL 52
Candice Kelsey :
On Aisle 16 + Like the Bonsai in That Billy Collins Poem, GL 47
Balish + Strange Creature, GL 49
Matt Kendrick :
Green to the nubbing-cheat, GL 53
Sandra Ketcham :
A Kingdom of Ocean and Ash, GL 5
Aekta Khubchandeni :
Folded Island, GL 44
Amy Kiger-Williams :
The Musical Transcriptionist, GL 36
Belle (Bom) Kim :
Equilibrium + Maybe, GL 45
Harrison Kim :
This is What I Own, GL 34
Teddy Kimathi :
Stars, GL 22
Bob King :
Because the Weather Changes + The Age When I Need to Take a Photo & Then Zoom In, in Order to Read the Fine Print, GL 50
Stephanie King :
Housewarming, GL 42
Maureen Kingston :
The Pin-Up Calendar or Be Careful What You Wish For + To See or Not to See? A Poet's Day off + Play within a Play, GL 9
Elizabeth Kirschner :
A Thousand Ways to Dissemble, GL 38
Laurence Klavan :
Endless, GL 40
Ethan Klein :
We Are Their Weather, GL 56
Steve Klepetar :
The Woman Who Rose from Snow + On the Dead Plains, GL 24
Sounds + Your Leaving + Waiting for You, GL 28
Jessica Klimesh :
Playing God, GL 57
Makenzie Kolar :
Ava's Age, GL 28
Zoltán Komor :
Chicken-bulbs, GL 12
Hunters of the Desert, GL 14
Desmond Kon :
Vignette 022 + 021 + 008 + 007 + 003, GL 2
Zack Kopp :
from Magic Trash, GL 6;
Real Hard Fun, GL 10
Sarah Kohrs :
Know My Native Name, GL 29
Koss :
Again: Holidays, GL 42
The Dictations of Cabbages, GL 46
Kim Peter Kovac :
Gothic Lolita's Foxfire, GL 13
Nooks Krannie :
A Therapeutic Flushing of a Body Part with a Stream of Liquid, GL 27
David Evan Krebs :
Rogue Chimera, GL 29
Leonard Kress :
Backyards, GL 11
M L Krishnan :
The Supplicant, GL 21
Madison Krob :
The Front Page of Digital Hill, GL 38
Frances Kruk :
Thirst, GL 8
Joanna Kudo :
Instructions for Specimen, GL 30
Kathryn Kulpa :
Layover, GL 41
Len Kuntz :
Twisters, GL 7
Justin Lacour :
untitled x2, GL 56
Karim Lakhani :
Stone Fruit, GL 31
Kate LaDew :
one day you say + one day in 1590 + beech tree, GL 28
Jennifer Lai :
How to Survive an Earthquake, GL 42
Mateo Lara :
Killing the Sacred Deer, GL 29
Ted Lardner :
Haibun: Cricket Cage in Our Mother's Basement, GL 19
Raima Larter :
We Have Always Lived on the Earth, GL 55
Callan Latham :
Bridge Fugue, GL 55
Mercedes Lawry :
Fire Season, GL 40
The Small Librarian + The Luminous Psychiatrist, GL 45
The Fusspot Hotellier, GL 55
Molly Lazer :
Hatchlings, GL 18
Francesca Leader :
When You're Not an Alcoholic but You Don't Want to Go Home, GL 52
Janice Leadingham :
Hell's Half-Acre, 1876, GL 58
Susan L Leary :
Joyful Poem + X-Ray Impression #1: Alternate Eden + X-Ray Impression #5 Death House (in Pisces), GL 31
Mugshot + I Owe a Lot to Those I Do Not Love, GL 49
Sylvan Lebrun :
The Great Bear and the Spoon, GL 38
Jasmine Ledesma :
Blackberries on Seventh, GL 38
Youngseo Lee :
Chandler Notes, GL 40
Stella Lei :
Miniature Diaramas, GL 39
Matt Leibel :
The Man with a Stop Sign Sticking out of His Head, GL 41
Giselle Leeb :
Paper Dolls, GL 29
The Picture House, GL 52
Hillary Leftwich :
Tajo, GL 21
Courtney Leigh :
Princess of Gore Part IV + Princess of Gore Part V, GL 23
Charlotte Lenox :
Home-icide, GL 10
Hege Lepri :
Fabric, GL 33
Eleanor Levine :
Golda on the Bus, GL 18
Chandler Lewis :
From The Wind Wound Bow, GL 24
Amy Li :
On a Witch's Grieving, GL 40
Eliot Li :
7 Day Submittable Forecast, GL 50
Liza Libes :
Curvamen, GL 27
Jane Liddle :
A Shame, Then, GL 37
Nolan Liebert :
Darts, GL 16
Sarah Lilius :
Becoming + Zen Happens + Hearing Pearl Jam's Ten for the 115th Time, GL 29
Laurinda Lind :
Green Underlying + Cave Flowers, GL 25
Neomi Ling :
Daughter in Three Acts, GL 40
Emily Linstrom :
Melusine, GL 20
Sara Lippmann :
Neighbors, GL 35
Alison Liu :
4608 Steeplechase Rd. / Edmond, Oklahoma 73034, GL 17
Emily Liu :
rainbows and rainbows and rainbows shining across the universe, GL 49
Julie Liu :
Impermanence, GL 57
June Liu :
How to Construct a Breakup Poem, GL 41
Zizheng Liu :
Stolen, GL 40
Karen Lizon :
Spin, GL 21
Kik Lodge :
Pearly Whites™, GL 48
The Parakeet of the FSTE 100, GL 55
Taylor Hamann Los :
Ameneurosis + Nocturne, GL 49
Amethyst Loscocco :
The Terrible Twos, GL 57
Linda Lowe :
The Party, GL 17
Marc Lowe :
Patterns, GL 1;
The Soldier, GL 5
Grace Anne Lowry :
Laura's Ghost, GL 56
Kate Lu :
Open at the Close, GL 2
Colin Lubner :
From the Perspective of a Stargazer on a Clear Night (All Orbits End Up Arcs), GL 36
Ginna Luck :
Everything Has Been Asking for Mercy + Snow, GL 21
Valya Lupescu :
Lipstick, GL 15
Tracy L Lyall :
The Drag, GL 13
Rosaleen Lynch :
White line + Forced Moulting, GL 40
P D Lyons :
The Ghost of My Mother's Lover, GL 2
Judith Lysaker :
The Assent, GL 50
Ariel Machell :
Split + Disquietude + Saturday, 10:35 AM, GL 46
Nick LB Mack :
Variations on a Theme, GL 29
Sarah Mack :
Venom and Love, GL 15
Brandon Madden :
Goat Men, GL 19
Frances Madeson :
Philosophies of Access, GL 8
Samantha Madway :
Lowest Common Denominator, GL 23
Eleonor Mae :
Hard Magic, GL 28
Kelly Magee :
Pink Flamingoes + Swagger + The Map of Erasures, GL 16
Alice Maglio :
Big Tree, GL 31
Kim Magowan :
My Stepmother's Presents, GL 44
Professor Leonora Looks Back, GL 57
Kim Malinowski :
Dumpster Grove + Dangling + Timeworn, GL 36
Arthur Mandal :
Aliens, GL 58
James Mansfield :
1980 / Part Four, GL 3
Lyndsie Manusos :
Filament, GL 33
If Ever, Before Now, You Listen to a Word of Mine, GL 48
Carlos Mares :
Sangre Ca-fé GL 20
Avra Margariti :
Seamstress's Daughters, Merchant's Sons, GL 54
Matt Margo :
Open: A Literary Remix of Saki's The Open Window, GL 4
Amy Marques :
How the Light Gets In, GL 47
Dear Eva, GL 52
Color Coded, GL 56
Peter Marra :
7 Sacraments + woman with a hammer + Amoral at Close Range, GL 12
Kirk Marshall :
Canopy Theater: The Zoomorphic Production, GL 12
Mordecai Martin :
The Old Man, GL 39
A Martine :
Paper Tiger Man, GL 34
Gessica Sakomoto Martini :
The Peacock _ Nightmare Sits at the Table, GL 51
John Paul Martinez :
our living room is broken + alternatives for succulents, GL 29
Suzanne C Martinez :
Knock Me Over, GL 43
Vikram Masson :
The Old Uncle at the Antique Shop + The Date, GL 44
Geneviève Mathis :
Canis Major, GL 19
Michelle Matthees :
All, GL 31
Gardening in Split + Drift, GL 51
Alexandra M Matthews :
Bone Broth, GL 43
Alison McBain :
Split Mind, GL 19
Martha McCollough :
Two Birds, Inseparable Friends, GL 8
Lorna McGinnis :
When the Thing You're Afraid of Is You, GL 41
Ashby McGowan :
Cleansed, GL 4
Ali McGrane :
After the Fall: A Survival Guide, GL 48
Fiona McKay :
Your Animal Heart, GL 50
Ali Mckenzie-Murdoch :
floater: A shot released with a high arc. Sometimes called a teardrop, GL 55
John McKernan :
My Student + Last Lecture + Last Journal Entry + Chicory Blossoms on the Blackboard, GL 11
Joshua McKinney :
Reel + Inheritance, GL 55
Connor McLean :
Freshmen Medley, GL 53
Kathryn McMahon :
Pieces of Night, GL 33
Linda McMullen :
The Gym, GL 42
Edie Meade :
Water Incarnation + Clutch, GL 47
Kat Meads :
Disturbed Houses, GL 53
Megan Denese Mealor :
Prostrate, GL 29
Kevin Meeks :
The Action Which Wolves Do toward the Moon, GL 6
Jessica Mehta :
She Was Always so Thirsty + Pinky Swears and Kitchen Chairs, GL 29
Frida Mehtälä :
Play of Dark and Night + Seasons of the Soul, GL 20
Skyler Melnick :
Grab Your Mats, Let Us Begin, GL 47
Samantha Memi :
The Letter, GL 13
C Mendoza :
The Waiting Season, GL 19
M Messer :
Archetypes in Her Honor (Woman on Horseback), GL 9
Jennifer Met :
Questioning + The Potable Woman, GL 33
Lydia Metcalfe :
When I Have Confused Death with Spring Because of Things That Have Happened to Me in the Past + Nature Therapy as a Writing Exercise for My Mother, GL 52
Camille Meyer :
Alexander the Great + Shipwreck, GL 20
Benjamin Nespodziany :
14.5 Reasons Why I Love You (But Come On), GL 52
Neila Mezynski :
Warriors II, GL 8
Singers: A Novel, GL 11
Beached, GL 16
Puddin, GL 26
Chad Miller :
This, GL 30
Sarah Mills :
Irene, My OCD Brain, Escapes a Flood, GL 55
Mary Milstead :
Threshold, GL 40
Aagneyo Mitra :
Fae—Faerie—Fairy, GL 49
Sam Moe :
Eldest Daughter, GL 43
I Have a Crush on a Bog, GL 47
Eric Mohrman :
A Meager Feast + Icarus, GL 32
Stephen Moles :
Mgru, GL 6
Claudia Monpere :
Salt Husband + The Want Is a River until It Isn't, GL 51
Jude Cowan Montague :
The Bog Visits, GL 9
James Montgomery :
Cow Tree, GL 44
Hayden Moore :
Purchase on the Air, GL 38
Katie Mora :
The Record Collector, GL 32
Micaela Morano :
Self-Portrait as an Unpunctuated Sentence, GL 46
Oak Morse :
Confidence Come Cradle Me, GL 34
Gary Moshimer :
Flipping, GL 30
Sam Moss :
Lying Down Machines, GL 16
Darla Mottram :
Twigs, GL 31
Tatyana Movshevich :
Sugar-Coated Pineapples, GL 17
Aparna Raj Mukhedkar :
From Beyond the Moon, GL 5
J B Mulligan :
Mmelting, GL 11
Lynn Mundell :
Vanessa, GL 24
Chance, GL 29
The Second King, GL 43
Kyle Muntz :
Red, GL 2
Stephenson Muret :
The Dinner Party, GL 5
Carol Murphy :
Pooka, GL 25
Mark Murphy :
Phantasmagoria Haibun, GL 30
Christina Murphy :
Glass Befriends the Light, GL 9
Nora Nadjarian :
What we were + The hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger and bigger, GL 54
M F Nagel :
26 December, GL 26
Marianna Nash :
The Maiden Voyage, GL 35
Yoram Naslavsky :
Leaping Up + Too Far, GL 47
Hannah Nathanson :
Moretti Magic, GL 49
Jefferson Navicky :
Four Diagrams in a Forest, GL 42
Sarah Navin :
Have Faith, GL 16
Nilufer Nazli :
Story of the Seed, GL 53
Mary-Anne Nelligan :
Rising, GL 23
H L Nelson :
Hatch, GL 13
Renee Nelson :
Curse, GL 2
Karen Neuberg :
Again + Macrame + The Story of My Story, GL 38
Scott Neuffer :
The Boy Who Lived under my House, GL 31
Evan Nicholls :
Jute + Rump + The Bomb, GL 33
Megan Nichols :
Gone Cold, GL 44
Erika Nichols-Frazer :
Trying to Save the Honeybees, GL 46
Claire Nicholson :
Raining + Dead End, GL 38
Benjamin Niespodziany :
Dr. Sky Does Not Recall the Ordering of Things + Siblings(Brothers), GL 32
WJP Newnham :
Kunt Up in Karumba!, GL 17
Vic Nogay :
Late summer with a lover by a man made pond, GL 56
Victoria Nordlund :
Pigeon, GL 27
W J Nunnery :
Don't Forget to Close Your Eyes, GL 4
Darren Nuzzo :
I Guess the Orange Cat, GL 33
Catherine O'Brien :
Name, GL 46
Toti O'Brien :
Donald O'Donovan :
Triptych Plus Two (from The Lohengrin Castle Chronicles), GL 7
Douglas Ogurek :
All-Staff Meeting on Wednesday, GL 13
The Football Game at Fuller Finglow's House, GL 15
Hun Ohm :
Photographic Memory #3, GL 14
Gabriel Ojeda-Sague :
Milk for Lulu with Child, GL 15
John Oldenborg :
I. Creator, + II. Patronym, + III. Hero,, GL 49
Joel O'Flaherty :
This City Is Built on Fairtales, GL 57
Carolyn Oliver :
Waystation, GL 41
Per Olvmyr :
Three Situations with Cabbage Plants + Heart, Lungs, Lilac Arbor, GL 57
Elaine Neil Orr :
Eve Steps Through, GL 41
Frnaces Orrok :
Mug, GL 53
Rebekah Orton :
Every Age She's Been, GL 13
Thalia Ostendorf :
A King, GL 20
Lūnetta Ōstara :
Goo Belly, GL 50
Melissa Ostrom :
Dragon, GL 41
Abigail Oswald :
Abduction, GL 33
Derek Owens :
The Paralyzing Perfume of Beauty, GL 8
Maribel Pagan :
Accent, GL 27
Michael J Pagan :
A Great, Slow-Motion Tragedy + One Row of Teeth (or Two) while Someone Is Smiling, GL 9
Yarrow Paisley :
Memoir of a Mouth, GL 4
J A Pak :
Growth, GL 23
Vaishali Paliwal :
Mandala, GL 26
Tales of Expansion, GL 33
Wilna Panagos :
Binary Burlesque + Hunting in the Night + Proximity, GL 12
The Language of Tragedy + The tiny story + Hemingway and the twelve caesars, GL 14
Anil Kumar Panda :
A Stalker, GL 28
Vidya Panicker :
The Snake Charmer, GL 19
Helena Pantsis :
The Imposter Game + There's a pond outside my house, but mum says to stay away, GL 40
Olivia Parkes :
Aurelia and Oriel, GL 22
Aimee Parkinson :
The Dugong, GL 50
Aimee Parkison :
Mississippi Android Queen, GL 39
Robert Parrott :
Virtual Self-Portrait Cutting into a Watermelon + The Drum Drums the Drum — Temporal Mechanics of a Gathering Planet, GL 42
Ioannis Passalis :
Our Lady of the Transfiguration, GL 6
W E Pasquini :
Matins + Love & Smoke & the Fume of Sighs, GL 36
Lee Patterson :
an essay about the day after wednesday + an essay lost in the jungle, seeping spinal fluid, GL 34
Mandira Pattnaik :
Filthy Hoopoe, GL 42
Collector of Souls Comes to the Shadow Shop, GL 49
Elliot Pawley :
Walking into Trees, GL 38
Chris Pellizzari :
Claustrophobe Stuck in an Elevator + Highway Sounds, GL 35
Granada, August, 1936, GL 38
Gypsy Ears + Words Deflecting off my Parador Window, GL 39
Granada on the Hottest Day in August + Plaza Mayor Madrid, GL 40
Federico García Lorca Returns Home to Granada after 86 Years, GL 49
Ada Pelonia :
The Curse of Time + Like a Prayer on My Lips, GL 53
Douglas Penick :
The Coming of the Ice Age: Dreams and Sings the Minotaur in His Man-Made Abode, GL 16
Jennifer Peper :
Travis Is a Real Peach, GL 28
Anne Pepper :
Thoughts from the Bottom of a Well, GL 56
Celeste Perez :
In the Event that You Die First, GL 31
Bindia Persaud :
Eyelash, GL 24
Meghan Peterman :
Subject Gawain, GL 28
Mary Petralia :
The Grove, GL 23
Joseph Pfister :
A Family Reunion, GL 30
Emma Phillips :
Cloud Baby, GL 53
Leigh Phillips :
In It, I Loved a Man + Looking Back on Sodom, GL 9
Hannah E Phinney :
Squall Baby, GL 15
Yi Jun Phung :
Process of Elimination, GL 55
James Piatt :
The Lonely Morning, GL 46
Alex Pickens :
Scrod People, GL 32
Katherine Plumhoff :
The Lesser-Known Corollary to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, GL 54
Kushal Poddar :
Scattered Continuous Rainfall, They Said + We Changed Our Future + Gifts of the Nowhere Men, GL 10
Amanda Faith Poirier :
Under the Flourescent Light + The Murders. What Murders?, GL 24
Meg Pokrass :
Summer Cottage + Take Me Home, GL 7
Level Two + Extra Terrestrial, GL 35
Watermarks, GL 48
Animal Loops, GL 53
Andrew Poland :
Ash and Snow, GL 4
Claire Polders :
The Wrong of My Birth, GL 38
Aaron Pond :
I Bathe between Lips and Linings + Dark Cloud Get-Down, GL 16
Chris Poole :
Bed Bug, GL 31
Maria Poulatha :
The Happiest Thought, GL 48
Cait Powell :
A Manual for Surviving an Accidental Drowning, GL 27
Ken Poyner :
The Abduction, GL 11
The Public Decency, GL 26
Migration's End, GL 33
Emilee Prado :
Scenes from the Two-Table Coffee Shop, GL 36
Catherine Esposito Prescott :
Arrowroot: A Tale + Mamey Sapote: A Tale, GL 35
Bryan Price :
Archive + Oblivion, GL 34
Nadia Prupis :
Somniphobia, GL 36
Jessica Purdy :
Essex Serpent + lover lover over and over, GL 48
Kelsie Qua :
The Dwindleskin, GL 23
Isabelle Qi :
Joan of Arc, GL 57
Heather Qin :
Scorched Earth Aubade, GL 51
Marzia Rahman :
There Is No Melody in Madness, GL 50
Louis Rakovich :
Mouse Fugue, GL 28
Stephen V Ramey :
We Dissolve + And This, Our Life + Pink Percy, GL 11
Shawn Rampaul :
the thorn, GL 55
Brian Randall :
Malanoct, GL 30
Kathryn Rantala :
Sand (A Triptych), GL 1
Zvezdana Rashkovich :
Two Rivers, GL 15
Tanya Rastogi :
you were seven when you learned that, GL 54
nat raum :
how to remember the recipe + my weapon of choice is a stop sign, GL 56
Francis Raven :
Hostage, GL 3
C C Rayne :
It Takes a Village, GL 54
Michelle Reale :
Tunis, GL 4
The Sea Is Surely Not My Home, GL 7
Justin Reed :
Icarus Is a Black Man, GL 23
Anja Reed :
Time, GL 28
Timmy Reed :
Lullaby, GL 7
Kathryn Reese :
To Marcy,, GL 56
Ae Reiff :
POP Head BOOk, GL 5;
Jingle Bell Wok / The Wusicle: A Libretto Comedy, GL 9
What a Dog Coyote Sings AI-AI-OO-OO and Other Visions of Iisaw, GL 13
Rem + Rom :
Excerpt Pi1-5 from A RAFT MANIFEST, GL 21
William Repass :
Orphanate, GL 13;
A Slap in the Face of Public Taste, GL 16
Matthew Revert :
Stuck in the Splits, GL 1
Audrey Rhys :
There, GL 23
Jeremy Rice :
A Stranger Returns, GL 22
Jessica Lee Richardson :
Mousetrap, GL 33
A Riding :
Only Lovers Left Alive, GL 21
Dwaine Rieves :
The Animal, Questionnaire 1 & 2, GL 29
Katherine Forbes Riley :
The Loons, GL 24
Cindy Rinne :
Various Births VI + Various Births VIII, GL 30
Amanda Rizkalla :
A Body of Water, GL 57
Catherine Roberts :
Bathtub People, GL 53
Cory Robertson :
Unraveling, GL 21
A R Robins :
Will, GL 33
Benjamin Robinson :
Black Noise, GL 13
Avesa Rockwell :
Recovery, GL 31
Rachel Rodman :
The Third Wife of Jonah, GL 16
John Rodzvilla :
The atheist who stands + the manifested voice + snorting and blowing, GL 14
Kim Steutermann Rogers :
Fish out of Water, GL 48
Simon Rogghe :
Split, GL 12
Daniel Romo :
Clairvoyance + Word Problem #37 + Action + Zorro As Hairdresser, GL 3
Physics + Grocery List + Visibility, GL 43
Auto Pilot + Upholstery, GL 58
Ruby Rorty :
On blurry nights, + Greenwashing: A Love Story, GL 49
Kayla Roseclere :
12 Steps to Nowhere, GL 7
Philip Rosenthal :
Disturbed Houses, GL 53
Gregory Ross :
I Am the Dizzy Wind, GL 56
Michelle Ross :
Sockets, GL 32
Shana Ross :
Animal Suite: Excerpts from an Abecedarian Self-Portrait, GL 38
Taylor Ross :
Skeletal Sequitur, GL 33
Suzanne Manizza Roszak :
Check #164, GL 44
Bella Rotker :
Becoming weightless, GL 52
Belinda Rowe :
Brittle Bones, GL 57
Santani Roy :
The lost botanist + This house is us, GL 50
C C Russell :
Viscosity, GL 35
Kayla Rutledge :
After Reading The Idiot by Elif Batuman, GL 38
Kristina T Saccone :
Timothy Disbelieves, GL 44
Kiran Kaur Saini :
Lalbir's Laugh, GL 31
Kelly R Samuels :
What Wind Can + Bone Of, GL 36
Natalie Sands :
In Pursuit of Jam, GL 49
Thomas Sanfilip :
Infinity, GL 23
Sylvia Santiago :
I can't drink coffee without drinking, GL 51
Sarah Sarai :
My Father Sleeps Rough in His Dreams + Complexities Run Interference, GL 32
Diyana Sastrawati :
A Daughter Writes a Letter, GL 17
Brita Sauer :
Where a Process Flares + But Then We Don't, GL 57
Delaney Saul :
Inhabited, GL 31
Phil Sawdon :
Witnessing Drawing's Carcass, GL 17
Nowhere on Paper, GL 20
Fresh Shavings, GL 29
Slawka G Scarso :
When You Tell Your Wife 'You're a Cow' One Time Too Many, GL 50
Eric Schaller :
Hemoglobin, GL 11
Robyn Schelenz :
Wizards + Stable + Drought, GL 51
Rebeccah von Schlieffen :
Monsoon Season, GL 38
Carla Schwartz :
The Color of Lake Water, GL 53
Ben Segal :
Houses/Bodies (Lingual Geometries #3&5), GL 3
Smitha Sehgal :
When Sea Came Calling, GL 48
Adreyo Sen :
Resurrection, GL 15
Mathew Serback :
Statements of Fact about the Edge of the Earth, GL 21
Claudia Serea :
The spider strings beads + The boy climbs the spiral staircase +
Night and day, the crow and the seagull, GL 13
Writing on the Walls at Night, GL 20
Sanjeev Sethi :
wrangle + rifeness, GL 55
Mir-Yashar Seyedbagheri :
The Real Romanovs: Taped And Shot Before A Live Studio Audience, GL 22
A Bunny's Kidnapping, GL 25
Sea Sharp :
Shrinkology, GL 17
Vicky Sharples :
H(a)unting + Tempus Edax Rerum + The Art of Preservation + The Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Harty, GL 38
Sheree Shatsky :
a glimpse of what's coming, GL 54
Eric Shattuck :
Fever of Thyself, GL 20
Evan James Sheldon :
The Opposite of an Echo, GL 33
Beth Sherman :
My Father Was a Cuttlefish, GL 58
Carol Shillibeer :
Alice Files + passenger expectation + Report to the Director, GL 15
Gary J Shipley :
Bomb Caviar (excerpt from Spook Nutrition), GL 6
Austin Shirey :
Red Balloon, GL 43
Vik Shirley :
Crossing the Streams + Lifestyle, GL 50
Nicholas Siegel :
I Am Made of Bones, GL 34
Andrew Siegrist :
Jonah in the Whale, GL 58
Katha Sikka :
Metaphor . . . Did You Mean to Say Methyl Blue?, GL 18
Kimberly Silva :
The Kitchen Chronicles, GL 49
M E Silverman :
Red-Lipped Batfish, GL 51
Ginger Simons :
Washed., GL 25
Nicole Simonsen :
Serenade 2050, GL 31
Sumitra Singam :
Shoyu-Tai Sea, GL 52
Sravani Singampalli :
Empty Sceneries, GL 28
Tanya Singh :
i am mona lisa, GL 26
Jeanine Skowronski :
Sisters with a Gone Mother, GL 51
Gary Sloboda :
Eclipse + Flood II + Mementos, GL 33
Dale Smith :
Ed Dorn's Hat, GL 8
Ellen Kathleen Smith :
The Forgotten Lungs of Birds, GL 25
Paul K Smith :
The Women of Paris, GL 32
The 'Mona Lisa' Women, GL 51
Todd Smith :
I Guess the Orange Cat, GL 33
Cheryl Snell :
Footman + Samsara + Apology + firebug@ the giggling id + Bad News, GL 49
Stuart Snelson :
Home Improvements for the Apocalypse, GL 20
Carina Solis :
opal eyeballs stored in a bottle, GL 46
Ezra Solway :
No Need to Knock, GL 44
Grace Song :
Quiz: A Smart Girl's Guide to Boys by American Girl™, GL 38
Sarah Sorensen :
The Miraculous, Unknowable Me, GL 18
L Soviero :
Second Swing from the Left, GL 24
Star Spider :
Insomnia, GL 16
Arthur Staaz :
The Lost Art of Reverie, GL 21
Kelly Stark :
New Bodies, GL 15
Chrissy Stegman :
To 1993: You are when I loved the open air & I loved everything, GL 48
The Girl Who Went South, GL 55
Annie Stenzel :
Palimpsest + Elegy: South Island, New Zealand, GL 36
Phillip Sterling :
Needless to Say, GL 43
S D Stewart :
History of a summer song + Daylight savings spent, GL 7
Todd Clay Stewart :
On the Way to Encido, GL 45
Chelsea Stickle :
Nothing Is Ever Destroyed, It Just Changes Form, GL 41
Linda Ann Strang :
Sunfish, GL 12
strannikov :
Your Local Wormhole Invites YOU, GL 1;
From a Street-Lit Dark Room, GL 3;
Constable Pulse and the Sunny Dystopia, GL 5;
Vivisectionist Seeks Clientele, GL 10;
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy vs Mrs. Grue, GL 14
Cassidy Street :
The Ordering of Things: Circular + Going Dutch, GL 29
Kelly R Samuels :
Perihelion, GL 30
Alina Stefanescu :
Six Things You Can't Give Up, GL 30
Tara Stillions Whitehead :
Self Portrait for the Late Édouard Levé, GL 37
Jan Stinchcomb :
It's Called Deception, GL 30
Sarah Stockton :
The Placenta Effect + Lucretia's Legacy, GL 35
Betsy Streeter :
Letting Go of the Lizard, GL 23
Dale Stromberg :
Lies Breathed through Silver, GL 39
Nina Sudhakar :
Figurative Disappearances, GL 26
Miye Sugino :
Youth, Personified, GL 41
Jay Vera Summer :
Birthday Party, GL 29
Malcolm Sutton :
From Scenes from a Failing Horizon part 1, "Field Trips", GL 8
Natalya Sukhonos :
A Stranger Home, GL 31
Thea Swanson :
Obidos Women, GL 19
Eggie Finds Her Voice, GL 37
Jake Syersak :
From Notes to Wed No Toward, GL 8
Kate Tagai :
Glass Vision, GL 17
Xenia Taiga :
Space Boy, GL 10
Mary Ellen Talley :
Tether Ball in Ice + Why There Is No (Clown) Moon, GL 56
Kenny Tanemura :
A Tree in Hanoi, GL 45
Charles Tarlton :
The Rock in a Jar, GL 32
The Snowy Egret, GL 42
Persephone + More Than Meets the Eye + Fare Passi da Gigante, GL 45
Olivia Treynor :
Map of My Prehistory, GL 42
Susan Triemert :
When the Moon Fell from the Sky, GL 43
Liliana J Taylor :
Apis, GL 22
Sean Thomas :
Still Life Insomniac, GL 3
Paul Thompson :
The Sleeping Ones, GL 54
Caitlin Thomson :
Bow-Edison after the Rains, GL 29
Kristina Thornton :
Our Ruby Anniversary, GL 48
Alison Thung :
Foul + Fair, GL 58
Alyssandra Tobin :
In True Green Fashion, GL 44
E Catherine Tobler :
Inventing Isaac, GL 11
Jennifer Todhunter :
We fought ants for mangoes along the jagged coastline, GL 37
Marissa Bell Toffoli :
Ground-Nesting Birds + Are We There Yet? + Cello Song + Moving Portrait, GL 3
Sarah Tourjee :
A Stampede of Horses + Tree + Pieces, GL 11
Nathaniel Tower :
A Blade of Love: Love's Sharp Blade, GL 10
Kerry Trautman :
Seasons of Love (but Not Like the Kind from RENT), GL 55
Leslie Walker Trahan :
Preparation, GL 41
Susan Triemert :
My Mother Spoke Only through Sighs, GL 39
Anna Tuchin :
Sunday Best, GL 32
Graham Tugwell :
The Garden where We Go to Lump, GL 11
Meg Tuite :
Runaway Pronoun for Grief, GL 54
J A Tyler :
Variations of a Brother War (Love Triptych), GL 2
Sarena Ulibarri :
Son of a Gun, GL 14
Cathy Ulrich :
The Arborist Falls in Love, GL 29
The Only Light, GL 51
Pierré V! :
The Coffee Shop and the Man, GL 34
Jennifer Vaknine :
Uncanny Parrots + A Constellation Sideways, GL 32
Diana Valenzuela :
The Ouija Board, GL 34
Tara Van De Mark :
Anatomically Arbitrary, GL 54
Jessica VanDevanter :
Studies in Anatomy, GL 26
Anthony Varallo :
Nicotine, GL 42
Namitha Varma :
Winter in the Heart, GL 18
Victoria Vasterling :
Claustrophobia + Thrills and Chills + No More Singing in the Rain, GL 4
Henry Vauban :
Leaving New York, GL 2
Robert Vaughan :
The Hazards of Moving In with a Couple, GL 11
Fable Vayne :
Only Ever Ashes, GL 10
Travis Vick :
Water Casket, GL 13
Jacob Vincent :
Distant Stories, GL 28
Donna Vorreyer :
Mant(r)a, GL 54
C J Wackerman :
Your Thoughts Exactly + Pliu Waterfall, GL 48
Meredith Wadley :
Ten People, Ten colors (Japanese: Juunin Toiro), GL 37
Vivian Wagner :
Post War + Allegheny Gremlins + Snallygaster, GL 30
Elinor Ann Walker :
Undomesticated Ghosts + This Fishing in the Air, GL 46
Sara Wallace :
When I Was Elven: Scenes from Our Neighbors 4th of July Party, GL 47
Kieron Walquist :
Birds Set Free, GL 20
Molly Walsh :
One Last Roll of Kodachrome (for Peter), GL 52
Margaret Walther :
Alluvium + Moraine + Coordinates of a Point + Cymbal Fantasia, GL 2
Sara Walters :
Dead Girls, GL 16
Amy Wang :
Summer Crime Scene, GL 40
Jieyan Wang :
Seven Stories of My Life, GL 34
Tiffany Wang :
Conversations Had at Four-Thirty at Night, GL 21
Sanna Wani :
Thunder Gods and Sky Gods, GL 30
Everett Warner :
If You Want to Piss Off the Devil, Mess Up a Ritual, GL 20
Irene Watson :
Lilac Tree, GL 40
Different Coloured Days, GL 44
Richard Weaver :
Learning to Live with Global Warming Climate Change Idiot Landlords + Taking Orders, GL 26
The Museum of Lost Memories, GL 39
The Topiaries Are Menacing, GL 43
The Earworm of Laughter, GL 45
A myopic ostrich stood outside + The cat who barked up the wrong family tree, GL 48
A Tree fell into forest + A Double orange-yoked egg, GL 58
Ann Weil :
When the Scammer Gives You Peanuts... + Cougar, GL 50
Adam Weinstein :
Collars, GL 3
Edward Wells II :
"What Tricks Are These?", GL 12
Courtney Welu :
I Visit My Father in the Afterlife, GL 57
Erik Wennermark :
Kallie Koetze, GL 4
Master Li Hongzhi, GL 28
Zack Wentz :
Into Work, GL 11
Paris Weslyn :
In Halls + Herstory + Honey, GL 29
Joshua Wetjen :
Air, GL 57
Robert Wexelblatt :
Petite Suite Impropre, GL 14
John Wheaton :
The Zoo, etc., GL 18
Sarah Wheeler :
Beautiful and Rare, GL 21
Rick White :
The Hand, GL 47
Robin White :
There's No Fighting Concupiscence, GL 28
Becca Wild :
Greta Wilensky :
Texas, 2003 + Texas, 1968 + Leaving Texas, GL 21
Melissa Wiley :
Pterodactyls on Planes, GL 17
Joshua Wilkerson :
a snow globe, GL 37
Virginia Wilkerson :
Metaphor — Crumpling Glass, GL 15
Meeah Williams :
Family Programming + Sssh! + Happy Endings, Inc., GL 16
Vanessa Willoughby :
Complimentary Colors, GL 12
Dawn Wilson :
Untitled, GL 10
Paul-Victor Winters :
Untitled (Harriet) + Untitled (Significance), GL 34
Francine Witte :
Stacks + Chicken Suit, GL 36
Mom's Dalmatian Dog, GL 38
Balance + Dad Always Looked Like a Mountain, GL 46
After the Snowmelt + My Eyes Keep Looking for You, GL 47
Boat Sink, GL 51
Valerie Witte :
Selections from Flood Diary, GL 8
Landon Wittner :
Dissociating, GL 52
Mikal Wix :
The Meeting + Disorder in C-Sharp Minor, GL 47
Your Baptism Is My Oubliette, GL 54
DJ Wolfinsohn :
HR Dept., GL 55
Cheryl Wollner :
We, the Clock and the Moon Boys, GL 23
Jasmyne Womack :
Drosophila, GL 17
Brenna Womer :
I'm here today, and, GL 41
Nicolette Wong :
That Honest House Has Been Exorcised + The Sky Has Sprouted a Many-Colored Void + Ghost Guards on the Beach, GL 11
The Night Watchers + The Hallway + The Asylum, GL 38
Peter Wood :
Funeral for a Dreamer + Tunneled into Prances, GL 36
Jennifer Woodworth :
Wake, GL 35
Even the Sky, GL 37
The Handless Maiden, GL 42
Of All the Ladders, GL 46
John Dermot Woods :
Role Model, GL 1
Lauren Woods :
Bindweed, GL 56
Haley Wooning :
Untitled + Untitled, GL 27
William Kelley Woolfitt :
Buying Snowball Pumpkins in Athens, Tennessee, GL 52
Jacob Wren :
Artists Are Self-Absorbed, GL 8
Evangeline Wright :
The Night Children, GL 33
Janet Jiahui Wu :
He Wrote To Me About an Avant-Garde Swedish Film, GL 37
Nathan Xie :
Perseveration, GL 43
Kyle Yadlosky :
Fire Puppets, GL 9
Ming Wei Yeoh :
Bull Face, GL 56
Ecem Yücel :
Poetical Chairs + Siren Song, GL 50
Ann Yuan :
The Hibiscus, GL 46
Maura Yzmore :
Dani, Twice in Mahogany and Bronze, GL 27
Chocolate, GL 28
Tara Isabel Zambrano :
Bird Bones, GL 30
Ali Zarbali :
Plague Elegies, GL 47
Madison Zehmer :
Ex Nihilo, GL 36
Dilon Zeres :
Flowers in the Window, GL 35
A Love Story, GL 37
Elena Zhang :
Metabolism + Let's Make Lasagna, GL 52
Lucy Zhang :
Paper Clips Are Not Biodegradable, GL 37
Louis Zieja :
This Is All Your Fault, GL 37
Daniel Zweier :
Sit Down in This Circle, GL 25
Tola Zysman :
Ribbons, GL 46