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interviews : featured books

our artists
accounting issues 1—58

Cezarija Abartis :
Orpheus and Eurydice: Letters and Stories, GL 25
Amber, GL 41

Mark Abdon :
Airport Barn Swallows, GL 56

Kristin Abraham :
Truth Séance + Viaje de Viraje, GL 10

Juliette Adair :
Inside You Is a Tiny House, GL 53

Rosie Adams :
The Type of Hell, GL 26

Trey Adams :
Scattershot, GL 42

John Gabriel Adkins :
Unknowable, GL 9

Abhineet Agarwal :
Brief Excursion to an Underwater Planet, GL 46

Kallirroe Agelopoulou :
Future Play, GL 13

Sarah Ahmad :
doggynotail, GL 2

Busayo Akinmoju :
Pretty Work, GL 52

Miriam Alex :
The Light Doesn't Fall Like It Used To, GL 40

Jessica Alexander :
The Nurse, GL 25

Maya Alexandri :
The Body and the Virus, GL 24

Sobia Ali :
When Mother Lay Dying, GL 36

Ashlie Allen :
Vocal Chords + Demon Hair, GL 18
Dakila + Hello, GL 19
Trespasser + Hearty Strings, GL 31

Brianne Allen :
Teen Mom Song, GL 31

Christopher Allen :
Pru in the Dimple of the Broad-Smiling Boy, GL 6
What If All the Oceans, GL 34

Lisa Alletson :
A Dress of Shadows, GL 45
First Dream of the Dead, GL 53

Swetha Amit :
Crow at My Window, GL 55

Mileva Anastasiadou :
How Would You Call Me If You Forgot My Name?, GL 30

Rose Andersen :
The Gift, GL 26

Evan Anderson :
The Boy Who Carried Fire, GL 20

Kristen Julia Anderson :
Sister (excerpt), GL 6

Nathan Anderson :
A Name, GL 36

Matthew J Andrews :
The Sale, GL 42

Madeline Anthes :
Runners, GL 28

Josh Anthony :
Germland + Staged Processing Unit #124-C, GL 20

Nicholas P Anthony :
The Boy and the Mausoleum, GL 16

Matthew Antonio :
Imaginary Women, GL 7

Robert Nazar Arjoyan :
The Goddener, GL 56

Mikki Aronoff :
The Trapeze Artist, GL 45
Now We See See You, Now We Don't, GL 51

Andrew Arthur :
Today's Lineup, GL 46

Artemis Asio :
Animal Compound, GL 7

Lae Astra :
Lea Astra, GL 53

Marc Atkinson :
Five Fears, GL 15

Lisa Attanasio :
The Beginning of Something, GL 44

Nancy Au :
I See It All, GL 25

Kirill Azernyi :
Monument to the Defeated, GL 25

Naomi Azriel :
A Three Minute Editorial Board Meeting, GL 48

Alexander V Bach :
Eden + But for the Company of Me-rrors: An Infinitum, GL 11

Maryam Bahraminejad :
Listen, GL 25
An Old Soul + The Night, GL 28

A A Balaskovits :
The Mother Left Behind, GL 21

Marie Baleo :
Signed, GL 26

Devon Balwit :
Where, then, should we go?, GL 29

Aja & W C Bamberger :
Refolding Fallen Dominoes (A Phantom Parallax), GL 14

Elonora Balsano :
Forgotten, Forgiven, GL 49

Maggie Bára :
Campbell's Chicken & Stars, GL 11

Tina Barry :
“Ghosts?” + Henrietta asks about my sex life + So, your father, Henrietta says, GL 49

Julie Brooks Barbour :
Girl Flips the Sound of Profane Words on Her Tongue + Girl at the Dinner Table, GL 45

Abbie Barker :
How to Check on Your Sister Without Entering Her Apartment, GL 39

Cécile Barlier :
Home, GL 33

Amy Barnes :
Goldilocks + Docked, GL 41

Elodie Barnes :
The Dolls' House, GL 53
Back Home, GL 41

Sandra K Barnidge :
The Box, GL 36

Maria Alejandra Barrios :
The Color of Eggs, GL 44

Tina Barry :
Exhausted Opera + Fifth Birthday, GL 26

Susan Barry-Schulz :
Virgo + into the plated cannolis, GL 52

L S Bassen :
Gottesman's Constant, GL 11

Cayce Bat :
Childhood + Rock from the Past, GL 39

Clare Bayard :
Gulf August Inside Out + Emeralds, GL 57

Kate Beall :
Chicken and Egg Story, GL 54

Michael Beard :
Split from Bone + Moon Dog + Devotion, GL 58

Jacqueline Bédard :
Date Night + Below, GL 36

Jack Bedell :
June Bug, GL 38

AND / WHAT / SO + little mistakes, GL 47
When i think of my mother, i remember, GL 50
first to go + mirrored aubade, GL 58

Hugh Behm-Steinberg :
Luna Park + Don't! + The Secret Ingredient, GL 12

Allison Field Bell :
Fruit Trees, GL 55

Lisa Bellamy :
What They Read + Eating Sadness, GL 17

HC Bending :
Bathtub Animals, GL 42

Blair Benjamin :
Touch Tank, GL 45

Laurel Benjamin :
The Starling, GL 56

Emi Benn :
White Tigers, GL 30

Tantra Bensko :
Breaking the Seal, GL 1;
Bringing a New Poet into Your Room, GL 3

Dick Bentley :
Natalie, Duck Woman, GL 32

Ariel Berry :
Not the Rug She Wanted, GL 15

Laura Besley :
Conditions for Living, GL 53

Andrew Bertaina :
The English Professor, GL 51

Aditi Bhattacharjee :
Homecomings with Unexpected Outcomes, GL 56

Shinjini Bhattacharjee :
Sarah as a glass chamber + Watching a Woman Breathe Out an &, GL 17

Mary Biddinger :
That Stuff Is Going to Kill You, GL 42

Catherine Biggart :
Hunger, GL 12

Lyndy Biller :
Paper Doll, GL 51

Jane Biral :
Having My Baby, GL 14

Joe Bisicchia :
Suspension of Belief + Call of the Raven, GL 48

Sheila Black :
Birds + Saint Pancreas, GL 29

Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind :
The Man in Love with a Spoon, GL 46

Annie Blake :
Tale of Two Hills, GL 28
The Children Rise, GL 33

Dana Blatte :
Midas, GL 39

CL Bledsoe :
Freedom with a Hint of Cherry + Knees, GL 10

Lisa Bledsoe :
The Insistence of Forward Motion & the Wildness of Love + The Boat She's In Is Made of Salt, GL 45

Meredith Blankinship :
Sleep Repair for Dummies + Deathfuck, GL 17

William Blome :
Our Association with Andrew, GL 12

Sam Bloom :
Birds, GL 28

Greg Bogaerts :
Landscape with Three Trees and a House, GL 16

Wendy BooydeGraaff :
La La La La, GL 39

Daniel Borzutzky :
The Mall, GL 4

Kelli Short Borges :
Fledgelings + Hero, GL 50

Sarah Borror :
black bows + I listen to Chet Baker when I'm lonely, GL 56

Timothy Boudreau :
Postcards, GL 53

Kristy Bowen :
from apocalypse theory: a reader, GL 12

Andi Boyd :
The City Maker, GL 20

Frances Boyle :
One in a Crowd + Whole Cloth, GL 47

April Bradley :
Encoded, GL 45

James Bradley :
Artist Statement #64 + Artist Statement #82, GL 12

S T Brant :
Three Stanzas on Eugenio Montale, GL 40

Tammy Breitweiser :
The Last Time, GL 39

R Bremner :
To the Two Nicoles, GL 27

Al Bray :
Ariadne after Hours, GL 5

Sean Brijbasi :
excerpts from a dictionary of coincidences, volume i (hi), GL 2

Andreas Britz :
The Fan, GL 17

Hannah Brown :
Hide and Seek, GL 13

Kelly Brown :
Jackrabbit, GL 22

Michaela Brown :
Way Down, GL 49

Randall Brown :
Merry + Restoration of Farmhouse 1724, GL 26

Beth Browne :
The Wild Flight of Bookshop Chair, GL 14

Saturn Browne :
Migration Pattern, GL 50

Leah Browning :
Sisters of Divine Grace, GL 57

Bri Bruce :
When We Came to Live in the Little Yellow house + In the Wind, GL 49

Erich Brumback :
The Sea of Knowledge, GL 32

Natasha Burge :
Womb Abyssal + Where Gravity Collects, GL 27

John Buhrmann :
Encoded, GL 45

Brian Builta :
My Knuckle-Headed Boy + In Session, GL 47
september 11 + september 14, GL 58

Victoria Buitron :
On the Brink, GL 44

Owen Bullock :
The Advice Box + Language Tic(k)s, GL 48
Colleagues + Goat, GL 52
Chaos Order, GL 56
Improvisations on Ligeti's études, GL 58

Natasha Burge :
All Automatons Grieve in Secret + Home Movie, GL 34

Rand Burgess :
Askew in the Family, GL 6

William Burtch :
Peep Quack, GL 42

Carly Bush :
Atrium, GL 35

Jacob Butlett :
The Squirrel Story, GL 26

Natasha Cabot :
Spinning, GL 1

Iris Cai :
Blue, GL 58

Imaani Cain :
Petite Wasmes, GL 21

John Cairns :
Dark Side, GL 11

Lauren Camp :
The Future of These Days + The Sun Sings of Escape, GL 48

Andy Campbell :
1: A digital poem that gets eaten by a parasite, GL 41

Natalie Campisi :
I was born + I was schooled, GL 27

Jane Rebecca Cannarella :
When You Move into the Brick House, GL 20

Dakota Canon :
Romeo and Juliet in the Time of Veronavirus — Retellings by Genre, GL 38

Rachel Canwell :
Maggie Remembers, GL 52

Sarah E Caouette :
proof., GL 19

David Capps :
Carnival Divorce, GL 49

Alana I Capria :
The Bride Resists the Chamber, GL 3

Roberto Carcache Flores :
Budapest Bridges, GL 22

Jason Carney :
Convalesce, GL 24

Anika Carpenter :
A Rising Tide, GL 50

Tess Carroll :
Origin of the Jaggedog, GL 31

Jan Carson :
The Future, GL 14

Salena Casha :
Portland on my Mind, GL 26

James Cato :
Endurance Alone, GL 39

Jessica Cavero :
Pierced, GL 33

Joel Chace :
Branches, GL 24

Leigh Chadwick :
Every Day Is a Good Day to Listen to 'Someday' + The Domesticity of Spoiled Milk, GL 42

Matthew Chamberlin :
Committal, GL 21

Emma Chan :
guide to drowning, GL 54

Michael Chaney :
The Dogpark in Fall, GL 9

Sara Biggs Chaney :
Domestic Noir, GL 17

Abigail Chang :
Girls in the Womb, GL 45

K-Ming Chang :
Ouyang Ayi, GL 39

Myna Chang :
Empire, GL 40
Catastrophic Disruption, GL 44

Anne Cheilek :
Smoke + Uncertainty, GL 29

Christine H Chen :
Raging Waters, GL 41
How Lady Bai's First Human Husband Disappeared, GL 58

Amanda Chiado :
Great Fish, GL 17
You, Too Will Be Sacrificed, GL 55

Ben Child :
Ear Phucking Monkey, GL 18

MDS Chill :
The Telegraph Operator, GL 17

Kim Chinquee :
Eyewear + Holes, GL 3

Jamez Chang :
Bridge Pins, GL 10

Joyce Chong :
Entomophobia, GL 15

Circus :
Slip, GL 34

James Claffey :
Easter Sunday, GL 7

Holt Clark :
The Stone Shaper, GL 22

Cassandra A Clarke :
Wise Woman of To-shima, GL 20

Kelle Schillaci Clarke :
From Here, You Can Hear Them Scream, GL 42

Sarah Clayville :
Dust to Dust, GL 28

Brad Cobb :
Come and See, GL 32

Thomas Cochran :
Swim at Your Own Risk, GL 7

Christopher K Coffman :
Eating Leo Tolstoy, GL 45

Gabriel Coffman :
Buried by Leaves + Cathedral Feedback, GL 36

Lise Colas :
Sleeping Beauty Variations, GL 22

Michael Cole :
Somnambulist to a Friend, GL 38

W A Coleman :
The Night We Were Others, GL 31

Elizabeth Coletti :
On Using Your Childhood Bathroom at Christmas, GL 57

Emily Collins :
A Stillness that Moves, GL 27

Sheldon Lee Compton :
Other Ears Look Fine, GL 16
The Good Life, GL 41

Jude Conlee :
Trauma's Wings, GL 22

Bill Cook :
Jane, Janice & Jackie, GL 42

Rebecca Cook :
What It Does, GL 14

Thomas Cook :
The End Is the Beginning + One-Way Mirror, GL 32

Lancaster Cooney :
The Law of Suppression, GL 18

Savannah Cooper :
I Saw Her + Two A.M., GL 29

Amanda Corbin :
heartcandy + delirium tremens, GL 47

Mike Corrao :
Biographies of Bodies, GL 28
Three Anomolies, GL 30

Dawn Corrigan :
A Brief History of a Country, GL 15
Destiny Cannon, GL 20

Katie Cortese :
Letluvintrin®, GL 14

Natalie Cortez-Klossner :
Moon-Girl & the case for letting go of people-pleasing, GL 46

Augusto Corvalan :
Horror #40 — To forget the Crow Completely Is a Mistake, GL 15

Chella Courington :
Parenting 101 + Three Quarter Time + Chopped Salad
for One
, GL 10
A Drone's Life + A Possible Indication + June 2013 on the Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides + For Her Twelfth Birthday, GL 13

Tia Cowger :
Skin Walker, GL 29
Viridian + Marsupial, GL 51

Tim Craig :
Nails, GL 46

Marisa Crane :
Two Truths and a Lie, GL 32

Henry Crawford :
The Box Plague, GL 37

Dan Crawley :
Hotline, GL 50

Sarah-Jane Crowson :
Crysalis + A Machine to Create Light, GL 44

Andrés Cruciani :
A Confession Found Scrawled on Toilet Paper in a
Men's Bathroom on April 30th 2016
, GL 23

Ayn Frances dela Cruz :
Beating the Drums + La belle et bete Variations, GL 15

Sean Cunningham :
Haunting + The Sweetest of Teeth + Aurum, GL 29

Michael Czyzniejewski :
And a Cherry on Top, GL 53

Ella Dailey :
Snow Day, GL 54

Lori D'Angelo :
How She Died + Stay, GL 55

Deirdre Danklin :
Excerpt from In a Dim Age of Water, GL 47

Judy Darley :
The Moth Room, GL 21

Justin Lawrence Daughterty :
Neon Electric Butterflies, GL 17

Lâle Davidson :
Ending Hunger, GL 16

Ciahnan Darrell :
February in the City, GL 22

Joseph Dante :
Elixirs, GL 27

Subhravanu Das :
The Shadow Seller, GL 40

Shome Dasgupta :
Peanut Butter, GL 48

Thad DeVassie :
Neighborhood Politics + Orphans, GL 54

Daniel Davis :
The Girls, GL 7

Mia Grace Davis :
Open Casket, GL 52

Tommy Dean :
The Disease that Keeps Us Alive + In High Places, We Tremble, GL 45
Voices Raised against the Ravaging of Bodies, GL 52

Jacques Debrot :
Burning Torch, GL 16

Mary DeCarlo :
The Internet's Predicting the End Times Again, GL 48

Daniel DeRock :
Clutch and Lure, GL 39

Gay Degani :
No One Talks, GL 23

Jake Deluca :
Swimming Practice, GL 23

Scott Daughtridge DeMer :
Beneath Your Earth, Another Earth, GL 35

Carol Deminski :
The Temple Maiden, GL 13

Tyler Dempsey :
Time As a Sort of Enemy, GL 24
The Equation, GL 33

Stephanie Devine :
We Hiked the Mine-Shaft Trail, GL 34

Lisa De Young :
The Key of Curiosity, GL 21

Shiksha Dheda :
Dear Childhood, GL 44

James Diaz :
Mountain + Death in the Family, GL 35

Michael Díaz Feito :
How the Memory Mechanics, GL 24

Mike DiChristina :
Appeal, GL 2

Christopher DiCicco :
Man from the Sun, GL 19

Stephanie Dickinson :
Postcard from the Bum House, GL 19

Salvatore Difalco :
Squalo, GL 28
The Dead Canary + The Dalí Lobster, GL 41
Pinnochio per Tutti, GL 54

Daniel DiFranco :
The Universe Hums in B Flat, GL 21

Haley DiRenzo :
Like Magic, GL 58

Sara Dobbie :
I Always Hated Your Mother but I Swear It Wasn't Me Who Chopped Off Her Head, GL 52

Justin Dobbs :
M, GL 27

Matthew Donahue :
A Shade of Reality, GL 22

Sheila Dong :
magic eye picture + bad influence + reckoning, GL 39

John Dorroh :
How Fast Can You Run from the City?, or Requiem for the Perfect
, GL 37
A School Mix, GL 45

Jon Doughboy :
14 Maple Candies, GL 52

Jérémi Doucet :
To Catch a Precious Frog, GL 39

Rachel A Dowling :
The Owl Lantern, GL 11

Jacqueline Doyle :
Ready or Not, GL 41
Little Dove, GL 46

B L Draper :
The Smell of Honey, GL 15

Sarah Dravec :
I Invented an Ambulance + Anna in brown and red, GL 17

Christopher M Drew :
Bulletproof, GL 42

Sidney Dritz :
The Other King of the Jungle, GL 39

Duncan Drury :
Cowger, GL 51

Merridawn Duckler :
Shipping the Gods of Sitcom + Dream Job, GL 43

Alex Duensing :
Among the Purpose of Dreams + The Free Sutra, GL 19

Molia Dumbleton :
Twenty-Four Hours, GL 23

Robin Wyatt Dunn :
The Great American Novel, GL 9

Sarah Dunphy-Lelii :
athene cunicularia, GL 43

Lindsey Godfrey Eccles :
Swallow, GL 58

Erika Eckart :
The Mothers + Plenty, GL 32

Annabelle Edwards :
Freckles, GL 14

Austin Eichelberger :
Dreams without Sleep (Notes), GL 10

Alicia Elkort :
The Sparrow + You Don't Have to Be Good, GL 31

Berit Ellingsen :
Blue Star, Singular Fire, GL 11

Philip Elliott :
West Queen West, 11:04 p.m. + Immigrants, GL 35

R H Emmers :
Cowboys and Indians, GL 35

william erickson :
Light Emitting Diode + CUratorial Experience, GL 51

Susan Emshwiller :
Something Broke, GL 16

Kelsey Englert :
His Unmarked Path, GL 26

Jennifer Evans :
Homecoming, GL 57

Denise Falcone :
Tell Me You Love Me, GL 18
Triumphs and Laments, GL 22

Kim Farleigh :
Sod & the Insomniacs, GL 14
A Change in Perception, GL 26

Dion Farquhar :
Bloomington, 1988, GL 12

George J Farrah :
It Was On Again Today, GL 4

William Fedigan :
Lady Friend Hears Voice of God, GL 4

Oladejo Abdullah Feranmi :
Elegies to each broken thing, GL 46

Alder Fern :
I've Been to a Butcher Shop where My Whole Town was on the Scale, GL 36

Rebecca Field :
The Celebrity Chef's Wife, GL 47

Gary Fincke :
The Adoration of Borders, GL 53

Jamie Finn :
A Spark of Life, GL 44

Kathy Fish :
Vocabulary + Bear, GL 18

Connor Fisher :
Subaltern State + Ornaments, GL 39

K M Flatowicz-Farmer :
Something Horrid, GL 7

Travis Flatt :
Crumblings, GL 55

Rory Fleming :
Palette Swap, GL 9
Gloams, GL 12
Pride & Disappointment, GL 14

Elizabeth Fletcher :
Threshold, GL 42

Peri Fletcher :
In the Old Places, GL 23

Jennifer Fliss :
Womman Comma Witcy, GL 51

Stephanie Flood :
The Girl in the Box, GL 17

Sandra Florence :
How Carl Became Jung, GL 37

Spencer Folkins :
Shadow Mosaic, GL 23

Craig Foltz :
Relevant Population, GL 32

Emily Fontenot :
For Those Who Don't Survive, GL 37

Pat Foran :
At the Super Elastic Bubble Plastic Commercial Shoot, GL 35

Nigel Ford :
The Scam and the Obsolete Processing Works, GL 27

Quinn Forlini :
Throwing the I Ching with my Father, GL 44

Lindsay Fowler :
Long Weekend, GL 24

Amarie Fox :
Dead Girls, GL 13

Nolcha Fox :
My Father's Ghost Hates Cats + What Does Silence Sound Like?, GL 43

Samuel J Fox :
Cardinals + Dremaing of Ice in the Middle of a Summer so Hot You Can Hear Satan Singing, GL 34

Alison Fraser :
Pruning, GL 47

Meg Freer :
Tears to Pearls + Numina, GL 41

Madeleine French :
Hammer, GL 58

C D Frelinghuysen :
Tesseract, GL 35

Jenny Fried :
Seven Dwarves, GL 34

Jeff Friedman :
Something Gone + My Father the Leopard, GL 56

Shauna Friesen :
Whale Fall, GL 54

Erik Fuhrer :
They, GL 32

James Gabriel :
Downtown Eve with Shakes and Smiles, GL 20

Kaitlyn Gaffney :
The Woods, GL 31

Joanna Galbraith :
The Imp and the Bones, GL 30

Jamey Gallagher :
Baby Day, GL 58

Mike Gallagher :
The Clonmel Set, GL 11

Julie Gard :
Meeting Place + Animate Objects, GL 30

Richard Garni :
Depression Flamingos + Borges Says: MIDDLEMARCH!, GL 4

Scott Garson :
Reality Show + Case, GL 51

ΩLauren Brazeal Garza :
Interview with a Voice within an Abandoned Adult Care Facility, GL 47

Jo Gatford :
something serpentile + Hypoarousal + I talk to god at the planetarium, GL 57

June Gemmell :
Under the Leaves, GL 55

Steven Genise :
Harvesting Marsh Grass, GL 34

Perry Genovesi :
Shrinking Capital, GL 50

Angela Genusa :
The Baby, GL 8

Michelle Geoga :
BOBO (Buy One Get One Free), GL 47

Steve Gergley :
Listen, GL 49

Christien Gholson :
Another Apocalypse Poem Take 1 + Another Apocalypse Poem Take 27, GL 41

Elizabeth Gibson :
Plastic, metal, wood and glass + Avalon , GL 22

Kait Gilleran :
Wednesday Night, GL 31

Beth Gilstrap :
Can You Light a Candy Cigarette on Fire?, GL 44

Ron Gibson Jr. :
Graves Hollow, GL 24

Lisa Glasgow :
Alight in Tall Grass, GL 31

Katherine Gleason :
Envelop Me, GL 35

Samara Golabuk :
I Am Cuttlebone + My Grandmother, GL 27

Alisa Golden :
The Shelter of Bees, GL 22
The Ancestor Plant, GL 43

Aleah Sterman Goldin :
Geopolitics, GL 13

Anthony Gomez III :
When I Show Up to a Charlie Chaplin Lookalike Contest in Mexico, GL 43

Carley Gomez :
Saplings, GL 33

Tatiana Gonzalez :
The Fawn, GL 18

Ian Goodale :
The Man Made of Glass, GL 18

Melissa Goode :
Empire of Light, GL 30

Beth Gordon :
Man Finds 6-Month-Old Grandson's Coffin Floating in Water +
, GL 25

Anita Goveas :
The Man in the Yellow Shirt, GL 31
0 Degrees, GL 39

Jacqueline Goyette :
Blush, GL 58

Laura Grace :
Unfound, GL 17

Jennifer Gravley :
This Moment Forward in My Body, GL 32

Kelly Gray :
Sick Like a + I Took a Thousand Pictures of You, GL 45

Alyssa Greene :
Aftermath, GL 30

Sarah Greenslit :
Our Histories (Are Blurring), GL 1

David Greenspan :
She Puts Makeup on the Shelf + One Thousand Times in my Head + I Don't Care What They Say about Us Anyway + Let's Be Friends and Just Walk Away, GL 7

Jamie Grefe :
To Damp Spit; To What Remains; To Polluted Interiors; To Renewal, GL 5;
Obscurities of the Doom Horizon (A Series of Forty Eight Interconnected Stories), GL 9

Avery Gregurich :
All About Breathing, GL 48

Nicholas Grider :
Precis Decay, GL 10

Pearl A Griffin :
Loving Arms, GL 37

Gabrielle Griffis :
Croneswort, GL 37

Ivy Grimes :
The Guessing Game, GL 5

Carol Guess :
Olympic National + Pink Priss Pot Weighs In + Early Floral, GL 11

Kyla Guimaraes :
Cyanotypes + Jenga, GL 58

Leyla Guirand :
Sod + The Propagating Spiral, GL 54

Samantha Guss :
The Erasure Project, GL 25

Kristin Gustafson :
Only 90s Kids Remember Hades + Another Dead Poem, GL 56

Lianuska Gutierrez :
Evolution of a Girl, GL 12

Peter Gutierrez :
Chocolate Child, GL 36

Lydia Copeland Gwyn :
My Fingers Loosen, GL 26

Betsy Finesilver Haberl :
Layers of the Earth, GL 43

David Hadbawnik :
From The White Album, GL 8

Kim Hagerich :
Centralia + The Anatomy of Desks, GL 37

Brittany Hailer :
Prophecy, GL 25

Ashley Hajimirsadeghi :
Asylum + At the End of Summer, GL 43

Billy Hallal :
In the Second before You Die, GL 37

Yoni Hammer-Kossoy :
Message in a Bottle to My Son + Anniversary, GL 29

Charlotte Hammond :
Birds in Concert, GL 22

Rachel Hammond :
How to Be Loved + You Are Your House, GL 19

Charlotte Hamrick :
Water, Altars and Other Worries, GL 35

Paul Handley :
Glam / Smut, GL 13

Joel Hans :
A Protest of Tortoise, GL 50

Nels Hanson :
Update, GL 22

Senia Hardwick :
Gauze Doll, GL 14

Clarice Hare :
Our Song, from Beginning to End + Last Weekend, GL 38

Court Harler :
Texting a Duck, GL 55

C J Harrington :
An Angel Opens a Vial, GL 13

L Mari Harris :
Exchange, GL 47

Emily Harrison :
Bait, GL 34

Amber Colleen Hart :
Mother's Circle, GL 28

Candace Hartsuyker :
He Told Us The Day The World Ended, Clouds Would Throb Desert Orange, GL 40

Taiwo Hassan :
Moribund Places, GL 56

j/j hastain :
From _Between diaspora and diapason_, GL 8
Compulsion and Coercion + Hot Slit, GL 14

Stephen Hastings-King :
From Calamity in Clamville, GL 8

Chris Haven :
Stray Explosion, GL 40

Roger Hecht :
Dog Person, GL 31

Jenny Hedley :
Killing the Lizard, GL 35

Justin Heinze :
I saw you by the wrecking post, GL 50

Margarét Helgadóttir :
Worker of the Year, GL 15
Death Wish, GL 21

Russell Hemmell :
Dancing Bautas of the Ashes' Day, GL 22

Kyle Hemmings :
Cat People #14: Magicians + Cat People #12: Tell-Tale Nights in the Heart of the City + Cat People #13: Noir + She Sounds Like Joni Mitchell Singing in a Taxi Whenever It Rains, GL 4

Christina Hennemann :
Observations from a Restaurant, GL 52

David Henson :
Seven Steps for Removing the Treehouse, GL 39

Jessica Hermes :
Untitled + My Psychologist, GL 41

Jason Heroux :
The Tour Guide + The Snow Removal Truck, GL 40

Julie A Hersh :
A Thing You Take with You, GL 33

Mickey Hess :
Here Stands a Catapult Emily Dickenson Rented, GL 4

Travis Hessman :
The Geometry of Distance, GL 4

Micah Dean Hicks :
The Pianist and the Octopus, GL 7

Suzanne Hicks :
The Favorite + Monsoon, GL 53

Frederick Highland :
Tale of a Trunk, GL 46

Nancy Hightower :
Till We Have Faces, GL 13

Ann Hillesland :
Lifeboat Drill, GL 25

Millie Ho :
Heavy Moons, GL 22

Emily Hockaday :
Class: Order Family + Portrait of a Humpback, GL 36

John Oliver Hodges :
Rebelee's Birthday, GL 2

Rebecca Hoffman :
Something Somewhere Someday, GL 20

Franziska Hofhansel :
An Extraordinary Example of 21st Century Statecraft + Sorry to Miss You, GL 40

Anderson Holderness :
The Ghost and Her Potatoes, GL 37

Pauline Holdsworth :
Amphibians, GL 47

Richard Holinger :
The Coin, GL 53

Kaely Horton :
Snake Lines, GL 34

J D Hosemann :
Deer Run When They See Our Eyes, GL 43

Daniel Hudon :
After the Forest, GL 29

Jen Schalliol Huang :
Solo, Sotto Voce + Common Prayer, GL 35

Rue Huang :
Woman Accidentally Joins Search Party Looking for Herself, GL 53

Nancy Huggett :
Inuksuk of Sorrows, GL 48
Trace Element + Riptide, GL 54

Aaron Hull :
Arrangements, GL 24

Heikki Huotari :
La Brea + Fearful Symmetry, GL 35

D J Huppatz :
The Professor, GL 57

Zebulon Huset :
Snow Falls. Drive Home., GL 36
The Garden Experiment + Sam's Diner, GL 53
Arboreal Arbitration, GL 57

Naana Hutchful :
My Mother (or an attempt at finishing things with no end), GL 54

Madilyne Igleheart :
Tiny Fearsome Creatures, GL 40

Rosabelle Illes :
Stars for sale: a buck each, GL 11

Onyekachi Iloh :
A Quest to Heal + Nocturne, GL 57

Ting Indistinguishable :
The Eight Minute Guarantee, GL 44

Moss Ingram :
Abused, GL 37

Ashley Inguanta :
Trash, GL 4;
Clay & Anchor, GL 5

Huxley Innis :
The Innis Report: The Not So New Guy, GL 10

Kelsey Ipsen :
Knives / Not Knives, GL 32

Jenny Irizary :
Witches and Princesses, GL 23

Rich Ives :
Of Course There Were Holes, GL 4
Declarations of Attendance, GL 6
Improperly Used Tools of Parenting, GL 22
In a Country East of Chicago, GL 30

Satoshi Iwai :
Crying Ecstasy + Under the Sun, GL 51

Michael Jacobson :
Excerpts from Mynd Eraser, GL 3

Andrew Jacono :
Daisies, GL 38

Rye Jaffe :
Pale, GL 33

Aishwarya Jain :
Love, GL 5

Addison James :
Paralax, GL 23

Vida James :
necropolitics, GL 43

Courtney Leigh Jameson :
Cortege: The Movement Of The Dead / The Dead of Movement, GL 14

Wes Jamison :
Eve, GL 18

Bethany Jarmul :
Becoming One, GL 47
Unprecedented Weather Patterns, GL 52
Flow State + Self-Soothing Is for the Birds, GL 55
Storm Takes a Vacation + Storm is an Astronaut, GL 58

Serena Jayne :
Our Relationship as a Monthly Subscription Box, GL 46

Nicole Jean :
The Ruminations of One Rupert P. Smith, GL 7

Laura Jeannerette :
Spaces I've Never Belonged, GL 50

Becca Borawski Jenkins :
A Girl Named Tree, GL 26

Elspeth Jensen :
Blue Genesis, GL 25

Alex S Johnson :
Happy Puppy Mask + An Architect of Ruins + The Learned Drive + A Brief History of Freezing Motion + Phantom of Love, GL 11

Bruce Johnson :
, GL 22

Kirby Johnson :
Poem about Alabama, GL 9

Carol Jones :
La Natura è Brutale, GL 27

Lauren Jonik :
Inhale, Exhale, GL 12
The Feline, GL 15

Krysia Jopek :
The Angel of Poetry, GL 19

Diane Josefowicz :
Hell Strip, GL 53

Rachel Joseph :
A Tiny Play, GL 27

Babo Kamel :
I feel I am on tip toe, GL 49

Anna Kander :
Fingernails, GL 26

Ann Kandikuppa :
Lexicon of Wife of Man with a Wandering Eye, GL 36
1, 2, 3, 4: A Puzzle, GL 48

Jason Kane :
6/22 — 7/22, GL 11

Madeleine Kannan :
VI + Carol, GL 14

Esmé Kaplan-Kinsey :
Reiteration, GL 45
Kangaroo, GL 54

Nazli Karabiyikoglu :
Almonds: The Pavement Runt, GL 33

Holly Karapetkova :
Survivor + After the Accident + Afterwards, GL 58

Jen Karetnik :
Instructions for Talking to a Student about Suicide; or, a Monologue to Self after the Fact, GL 34

Kirsten Kaschock :
Folie à Deux, GL 33

Paul Kasmai :
The Cyclist, GL 16

Olga Katsovskiy :
What We Are Made Of, GL 49

Erica Kaufman :
And Again, Tomorrow, GL 18

William Keckler :
Dear Stalkee, GL 6

Anna Kegler :
Whippersnapper + Evacuation, GL 52

Candice Kelsey :
On Aisle 16 + Like the Bonsai in That Billy Collins Poem, GL 47
Balish + Strange Creature, GL 49

Matt Kendrick :
Green to the nubbing-cheat, GL 53

Sandra Ketcham :
A Kingdom of Ocean and Ash, GL 5

Aekta Khubchandeni :
Folded Island, GL 44

Amy Kiger-Williams :
The Musical Transcriptionist, GL 36

Belle (Bom) Kim :
Equilibrium + Maybe, GL 45

Harrison Kim :
This is What I Own, GL 34

Teddy Kimathi :
Stars, GL 22

Bob King :
Because the Weather Changes + The Age When I Need to Take a Photo & Then Zoom In, in Order to Read the Fine Print, GL 50

Stephanie King :
Housewarming, GL 42

Maureen Kingston :
The Pin-Up Calendar or Be Careful What You Wish For + To See or Not to See? A Poet's Day off + Play within a Play, GL 9

Elizabeth Kirschner :
A Thousand Ways to Dissemble, GL 38

Laurence Klavan :
Endless, GL 40

Ethan Klein :
We Are Their Weather, GL 56

Steve Klepetar :
The Woman Who Rose from Snow + On the Dead Plains, GL 24
Sounds + Your Leaving + Waiting for You, GL 28

Jessica Klimesh :
Playing God, GL 57

Makenzie Kolar :
Ava's Age, GL 28

Zoltán Komor :
Chicken-bulbs, GL 12
Hunters of the Desert, GL 14

Desmond Kon :
Vignette 022 + 021 + 008 + 007 + 003, GL 2

Zack Kopp :
from Magic Trash, GL 6;
Real Hard Fun, GL 10

Sarah Kohrs :
Know My Native Name, GL 29

Koss :
Again: Holidays, GL 42
The Dictations of Cabbages, GL 46

Kim Peter Kovac :
Gothic Lolita's Foxfire, GL 13

Nooks Krannie :
A Therapeutic Flushing of a Body Part with a Stream of Liquid, GL 27

David Evan Krebs :
Rogue Chimera, GL 29

Leonard Kress :
Backyards, GL 11

M L Krishnan :
The Supplicant, GL 21

Madison Krob :
The Front Page of Digital Hill, GL 38

Frances Kruk :
Thirst, GL 8

Joanna Kudo :
Instructions for Specimen, GL 30

Kathryn Kulpa :
Layover, GL 41

Len Kuntz :
Twisters, GL 7

Justin Lacour :
untitled x2, GL 56

Karim Lakhani :
Stone Fruit, GL 31

Kate LaDew :
one day you say + one day in 1590 + beech tree, GL 28

Jennifer Lai :
How to Survive an Earthquake, GL 42

Mateo Lara :
Killing the Sacred Deer, GL 29

Ted Lardner :
Haibun: Cricket Cage in Our Mother's Basement, GL 19

Raima Larter :
We Have Always Lived on the Earth, GL 55

Callan Latham :
Bridge Fugue, GL 55

Mercedes Lawry :
Fire Season, GL 40
The Small Librarian + The Luminous Psychiatrist, GL 45
The Fusspot Hotellier, GL 55

Molly Lazer :
Hatchlings, GL 18

Francesca Leader :
When You're Not an Alcoholic but You Don't Want to Go Home, GL 52

Janice Leadingham :
Hell's Half-Acre, 1876, GL 58

Susan L Leary :
Joyful Poem + X-Ray Impression #1: Alternate Eden + X-Ray Impression #5 Death House (in Pisces), GL 31
Mugshot + I Owe a Lot to Those I Do Not Love, GL 49

Sylvan Lebrun :
The Great Bear and the Spoon, GL 38

Jasmine Ledesma :
Blackberries on Seventh, GL 38

Youngseo Lee :
Chandler Notes, GL 40

Stella Lei :
Miniature Diaramas, GL 39

Matt Leibel :
The Man with a Stop Sign Sticking out of His Head, GL 41

Giselle Leeb :
Paper Dolls, GL 29
The Picture House, GL 52

Hillary Leftwich :
Tajo, GL 21

Courtney Leigh :
Princess of Gore Part IV + Princess of Gore Part V, GL 23

Charlotte Lenox :
Home-icide, GL 10

Hege Lepri :
Fabric, GL 33

Eleanor Levine :
Golda on the Bus, GL 18

Chandler Lewis :
From The Wind Wound Bow, GL 24

Amy Li :
On a Witch's Grieving, GL 40

Eliot Li :
7 Day Submittable Forecast, GL 50

Liza Libes :
Curvamen, GL 27

Jane Liddle :
A Shame, Then, GL 37

Nolan Liebert :
Darts, GL 16

Sarah Lilius :
Becoming + Zen Happens + Hearing Pearl Jam's Ten for the 115th Time, GL 29

Laurinda Lind :
Green Underlying + Cave Flowers, GL 25

Neomi Ling :
Daughter in Three Acts, GL 40

Emily Linstrom :
Melusine, GL 20

Sara Lippmann :
Neighbors, GL 35

Alison Liu :
4608 Steeplechase Rd. / Edmond, Oklahoma 73034, GL 17

Emily Liu :
rainbows and rainbows and rainbows shining across the universe, GL 49

Julie Liu :
Impermanence, GL 57

June Liu :
How to Construct a Breakup Poem, GL 41

Zizheng Liu :
Stolen, GL 40

Karen Lizon :
Spin, GL 21

Kik Lodge :
Pearly Whites™, GL 48
The Parakeet of the FSTE 100, GL 55

Taylor Hamann Los :
Ameneurosis + Nocturne, GL 49

Amethyst Loscocco :
The Terrible Twos, GL 57

Linda Lowe :
The Party, GL 17

Marc Lowe :
Patterns, GL 1;
The Soldier, GL 5

Grace Anne Lowry :
Laura's Ghost, GL 56

Kate Lu :
Open at the Close, GL 2

Colin Lubner :
From the Perspective of a Stargazer on a Clear Night (All Orbits End Up Arcs), GL 36

Ginna Luck :
Everything Has Been Asking for Mercy + Snow, GL 21

Valya Lupescu :
Lipstick, GL 15

Tracy L Lyall :
The Drag, GL 13

Rosaleen Lynch :
White line + Forced Moulting, GL 40

P D Lyons :
The Ghost of My Mother's Lover, GL 2

Judith Lysaker :
The Assent, GL 50

Ariel Machell :
Split + Disquietude + Saturday, 10:35 AM, GL 46

Nick LB Mack :
Variations on a Theme, GL 29

Sarah Mack :
Venom and Love, GL 15

Brandon Madden :
Goat Men, GL 19

Frances Madeson :
Philosophies of Access, GL 8

Samantha Madway :
Lowest Common Denominator, GL 23

Eleonor Mae :
Hard Magic, GL 28

Kelly Magee :
Pink Flamingoes + Swagger + The Map of Erasures, GL 16

Alice Maglio :
Big Tree, GL 31

Kim Magowan :
My Stepmother's Presents, GL 44
Professor Leonora Looks Back, GL 57

Kim Malinowski :
Dumpster Grove + Dangling + Timeworn, GL 36

Arthur Mandal :
Aliens, GL 58

James Mansfield :
1980 / Part Four, GL 3

Lyndsie Manusos :
Filament, GL 33
If Ever, Before Now, You Listen to a Word of Mine, GL 48

Carlos Mares :
Sangre Ca-fé GL 20

Avra Margariti :
Seamstress's Daughters, Merchant's Sons, GL 54

Matt Margo :
Open: A Literary Remix of Saki's The Open Window, GL 4

Amy Marques :
How the Light Gets In, GL 47
Dear Eva, GL 52
Color Coded, GL 56

Peter Marra :
7 Sacraments + woman with a hammer + Amoral at Close Range, GL 12

Kirk Marshall :
Canopy Theater: The Zoomorphic Production, GL 12

Mordecai Martin :
The Old Man, GL 39

A Martine :
Paper Tiger Man, GL 34

Gessica Sakomoto Martini :
The Peacock _ Nightmare Sits at the Table, GL 51

John Paul Martinez :
our living room is broken + alternatives for succulents, GL 29

Suzanne C Martinez :
Knock Me Over, GL 43

Vikram Masson :
The Old Uncle at the Antique Shop + The Date, GL 44

Geneviève Mathis :
Canis Major, GL 19

Michelle Matthees :
All, GL 31
Gardening in Split + Drift, GL 51

Alexandra M Matthews :
Bone Broth, GL 43

Alison McBain :
Split Mind, GL 19

Martha McCollough :
Two Birds, Inseparable Friends, GL 8

Lorna McGinnis :
When the Thing You're Afraid of Is You, GL 41

Ashby McGowan :
Cleansed, GL 4

Ali McGrane :
After the Fall: A Survival Guide, GL 48

Fiona McKay :
Your Animal Heart, GL 50

Ali Mckenzie-Murdoch :
floater: A shot released with a high arc. Sometimes called a teardrop, GL 55

John McKernan :
My Student + Last Lecture + Last Journal Entry + Chicory Blossoms on the Blackboard, GL 11

Joshua McKinney :
Reel + Inheritance, GL 55

Connor McLean :
Freshmen Medley, GL 53

Kathryn McMahon :
Pieces of Night, GL 33

Linda McMullen :
The Gym, GL 42

Edie Meade :
Water Incarnation + Clutch, GL 47

Kat Meads :
Disturbed Houses, GL 53

Megan Denese Mealor :
Prostrate, GL 29

Kevin Meeks :
The Action Which Wolves Do toward the Moon, GL 6

Jessica Mehta :
She Was Always so Thirsty + Pinky Swears and Kitchen Chairs, GL 29

Frida Mehtälä :
Play of Dark and Night + Seasons of the Soul, GL 20

Skyler Melnick :
Grab Your Mats, Let Us Begin, GL 47

Samantha Memi :
The Letter, GL 13

C Mendoza :
The Waiting Season, GL 19

M Messer :
Archetypes in Her Honor (Woman on Horseback), GL 9

Jennifer Met :
Questioning + The Potable Woman, GL 33

Lydia Metcalfe :
When I Have Confused Death with Spring Because of Things That Have Happened to Me in the Past + Nature Therapy as a Writing Exercise for My Mother, GL 52

Camille Meyer :
Alexander the Great + Shipwreck, GL 20

Benjamin Nespodziany :
14.5 Reasons Why I Love You (But Come On), GL 52

Neila Mezynski :
Warriors II, GL 8
Singers: A Novel, GL 11
Beached, GL 16
Puddin, GL 26

Chad Miller :
This, GL 30

Sarah Mills :
Irene, My OCD Brain, Escapes a Flood, GL 55

Mary Milstead :
Threshold, GL 40

Aagneyo Mitra :
Fae—Faerie—Fairy, GL 49

Sam Moe :
Eldest Daughter, GL 43
I Have a Crush on a Bog, GL 47

Eric Mohrman :
A Meager Feast + Icarus, GL 32

Stephen Moles :
Mgru, GL 6

Claudia Monpere :
Salt Husband + The Want Is a River until It Isn't, GL 51

Jude Cowan Montague :
The Bog Visits, GL 9

James Montgomery :
Cow Tree, GL 44

Hayden Moore :
Purchase on the Air, GL 38

Katie Mora :
The Record Collector, GL 32

Micaela Morano :
Self-Portrait as an Unpunctuated Sentence, GL 46

Oak Morse :
Confidence Come Cradle Me, GL 34

Gary Moshimer :
Flipping, GL 30

Sam Moss :
Lying Down Machines, GL 16

Darla Mottram :
Twigs, GL 31

Tatyana Movshevich :
Sugar-Coated Pineapples, GL 17

Aparna Raj Mukhedkar :
From Beyond the Moon, GL 5

J B Mulligan :
Mmelting, GL 11

Lynn Mundell :
Vanessa, GL 24
Chance, GL 29
The Second King, GL 43

Kyle Muntz :
Red, GL 2

Stephenson Muret :
The Dinner Party, GL 5

Carol Murphy :
Pooka, GL 25

Mark Murphy :
Phantasmagoria Haibun, GL 30

Christina Murphy :
Glass Befriends the Light, GL 9

Nora Nadjarian :
What we were + The hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger and bigger, GL 54

M F Nagel :
26 December, GL 26

Marianna Nash :
The Maiden Voyage, GL 35

Yoram Naslavsky :
Leaping Up + Too Far, GL 47

Hannah Nathanson :
Moretti Magic, GL 49

Jefferson Navicky :
Four Diagrams in a Forest, GL 42

Sarah Navin :
Have Faith, GL 16

Nilufer Nazli :
Story of the Seed, GL 53

Mary-Anne Nelligan :
Rising, GL 23

H L Nelson :
Hatch, GL 13

Renee Nelson :
Curse, GL 2

Karen Neuberg :
Again + Macrame + The Story of My Story, GL 38

Scott Neuffer :
The Boy Who Lived under my House, GL 31

Evan Nicholls :
Jute + Rump + The Bomb, GL 33

Megan Nichols :
Gone Cold, GL 44

Erika Nichols-Frazer :
Trying to Save the Honeybees, GL 46

Claire Nicholson :
Raining + Dead End, GL 38

Benjamin Niespodziany :
Dr. Sky Does Not Recall the Ordering of Things + Siblings(Brothers), GL 32

WJP Newnham :
Kunt Up in Karumba!, GL 17

Vic Nogay :
Late summer with a lover by a man made pond, GL 56

Victoria Nordlund :
Pigeon, GL 27

W J Nunnery :
Don't Forget to Close Your Eyes, GL 4

Darren Nuzzo :
I Guess the Orange Cat, GL 33

Catherine O'Brien :
Name, GL 46

Toti O'Brien :

Donald O'Donovan :
Triptych Plus Two (from The Lohengrin Castle Chronicles), GL 7

Douglas Ogurek :
All-Staff Meeting on Wednesday, GL 13
The Football Game at Fuller Finglow's House, GL 15

Hun Ohm :
Photographic Memory #3, GL 14

Gabriel Ojeda-Sague :
Milk for Lulu with Child, GL 15

John Oldenborg :
I. Creator, + II. Patronym, + III. Hero,, GL 49

Joel O'Flaherty :
This City Is Built on Fairtales, GL 57

Carolyn Oliver :
Waystation, GL 41

Per Olvmyr :
Three Situations with Cabbage Plants + Heart, Lungs, Lilac Arbor, GL 57

Elaine Neil Orr :
Eve Steps Through, GL 41

Frnaces Orrok :
Mug, GL 53

Rebekah Orton :
Every Age She's Been, GL 13

Thalia Ostendorf :
A King, GL 20

Lūnetta Ōstara :
Goo Belly, GL 50

Melissa Ostrom :
Dragon, GL 41

Abigail Oswald :
Abduction, GL 33

Derek Owens :
The Paralyzing Perfume of Beauty, GL 8

Maribel Pagan :
Accent, GL 27

Michael J Pagan :
A Great, Slow-Motion Tragedy + One Row of Teeth (or Two) while Someone Is Smiling, GL 9

Yarrow Paisley :
Memoir of a Mouth, GL 4

J A Pak :
Growth, GL 23

Vaishali Paliwal :
Mandala, GL 26
Tales of Expansion, GL 33

Wilna Panagos :
Binary Burlesque + Hunting in the Night + Proximity, GL 12
The Language of Tragedy + The tiny story + Hemingway and the twelve caesars, GL 14

Anil Kumar Panda :
A Stalker, GL 28

Vidya Panicker :
The Snake Charmer, GL 19

Helena Pantsis :
The Imposter Game + There's a pond outside my house, but mum says to stay away, GL 40

Olivia Parkes :
Aurelia and Oriel, GL 22

Aimee Parkinson :
The Dugong, GL 50

Aimee Parkison :
Mississippi Android Queen, GL 39

Robert Parrott :
Virtual Self-Portrait Cutting into a Watermelon + The Drum Drums the Drum — Temporal Mechanics of a Gathering Planet, GL 42

Ioannis Passalis :
Our Lady of the Transfiguration, GL 6

W E Pasquini :
Matins + Love & Smoke & the Fume of Sighs, GL 36

Lee Patterson :
an essay about the day after wednesday + an essay lost in the jungle, seeping spinal fluid, GL 34

Mandira Pattnaik :
Filthy Hoopoe, GL 42

Collector of Souls Comes to the Shadow Shop, GL 49

Elliot Pawley :
Walking into Trees, GL 38

Chris Pellizzari :
Claustrophobe Stuck in an Elevator + Highway Sounds, GL 35
Granada, August, 1936, GL 38
Gypsy Ears + Words Deflecting off my Parador Window, GL 39
Granada on the Hottest Day in August + Plaza Mayor Madrid, GL 40
Federico García Lorca Returns Home to Granada after 86 Years, GL 49

Ada Pelonia :
The Curse of Time + Like a Prayer on My Lips, GL 53

Douglas Penick :
The Coming of the Ice Age: Dreams and Sings the Minotaur in His Man-Made Abode, GL 16

Jennifer Peper :
Travis Is a Real Peach, GL 28

Anne Pepper :
Thoughts from the Bottom of a Well, GL 56

Celeste Perez :
In the Event that You Die First, GL 31

Bindia Persaud :
Eyelash, GL 24

Meghan Peterman :
Subject Gawain, GL 28

Mary Petralia :
The Grove, GL 23

Joseph Pfister :
A Family Reunion, GL 30

Emma Phillips :
Cloud Baby, GL 53

Leigh Phillips :
In It, I Loved a Man + Looking Back on Sodom, GL 9

Hannah E Phinney :
Squall Baby, GL 15

Yi Jun Phung :
Process of Elimination, GL 55

James Piatt :
The Lonely Morning, GL 46

Alex Pickens :
Scrod People, GL 32

Katherine Plumhoff :
The Lesser-Known Corollary to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, GL 54

Kushal Poddar :
Scattered Continuous Rainfall, They Said + We Changed Our Future + Gifts of the Nowhere Men, GL 10

Amanda Faith Poirier :
Under the Flourescent Light + The Murders. What Murders?, GL 24

Meg Pokrass :
Summer Cottage + Take Me Home, GL 7
Level Two + Extra Terrestrial, GL 35
Watermarks, GL 48
Animal Loops, GL 53

Andrew Poland :
Ash and Snow, GL 4

Claire Polders :
The Wrong of My Birth, GL 38

Aaron Pond :
I Bathe between Lips and Linings + Dark Cloud Get-Down, GL 16

Chris Poole :
Bed Bug, GL 31

Maria Poulatha :
The Happiest Thought, GL 48

Cait Powell :
A Manual for Surviving an Accidental Drowning, GL 27

Ken Poyner :
The Abduction, GL 11
The Public Decency, GL 26
Migration's End, GL 33

Emilee Prado :
Scenes from the Two-Table Coffee Shop, GL 36

Catherine Esposito Prescott :
Arrowroot: A Tale + Mamey Sapote: A Tale, GL 35

Bryan Price :
Archive + Oblivion, GL 34

Nadia Prupis :
Somniphobia, GL 36

Jessica Purdy :
Essex Serpent + lover lover over and over, GL 48

Kelsie Qua :
The Dwindleskin, GL 23

Isabelle Qi :
Joan of Arc, GL 57

Heather Qin :
Scorched Earth Aubade, GL 51

Marzia Rahman :
There Is No Melody in Madness, GL 50

Louis Rakovich :
Mouse Fugue, GL 28

Stephen V Ramey :
We Dissolve + And This, Our Life + Pink Percy, GL 11

Shawn Rampaul :
the thorn, GL 55

Brian Randall :
Malanoct, GL 30

Kathryn Rantala :
Sand (A Triptych), GL 1

Zvezdana Rashkovich :
Two Rivers, GL 15

Tanya Rastogi :
you were seven when you learned that, GL 54

nat raum :
how to remember the recipe + my weapon of choice is a stop sign, GL 56

Francis Raven :
Hostage, GL 3

C C Rayne :
It Takes a Village, GL 54

Michelle Reale :
Tunis, GL 4
The Sea Is Surely Not My Home, GL 7

Justin Reed :
Icarus Is a Black Man, GL 23

Anja Reed :
Time, GL 28

Timmy Reed :
Lullaby, GL 7

Kathryn Reese :
To Marcy,, GL 56

Ae Reiff :
POP Head BOOk, GL 5;
Jingle Bell Wok / The Wusicle: A Libretto Comedy, GL 9
What a Dog Coyote Sings AI-AI-OO-OO and Other Visions of Iisaw, GL 13

Rem + Rom :
Excerpt Pi1-5 from A RAFT MANIFEST, GL 21

William Repass :
Orphanate, GL 13;
A Slap in the Face of Public Taste, GL 16

Matthew Revert :
Stuck in the Splits, GL 1

Audrey Rhys :
There, GL 23

Jeremy Rice :
A Stranger Returns, GL 22

Jessica Lee Richardson :
Mousetrap, GL 33

A Riding :
Only Lovers Left Alive, GL 21

Dwaine Rieves :
The Animal, Questionnaire 1 & 2, GL 29

Katherine Forbes Riley :
The Loons, GL 24

Cindy Rinne :
Various Births VI + Various Births VIII, GL 30

Amanda Rizkalla :
A Body of Water, GL 57

Catherine Roberts :
Bathtub People, GL 53

Cory Robertson :
Unraveling, GL 21

A R Robins :
Will, GL 33

Benjamin Robinson :
Black Noise, GL 13

Avesa Rockwell :
Recovery, GL 31

Rachel Rodman :
The Third Wife of Jonah, GL 16

John Rodzvilla :
The atheist who stands + the manifested voice + snorting and blowing, GL 14

Kim Steutermann Rogers :
Fish out of Water, GL 48

Simon Rogghe :
Split, GL 12

Daniel Romo :
Clairvoyance + Word Problem #37 + Action + Zorro As Hairdresser, GL 3
Physics + Grocery List + Visibility, GL 43
Auto Pilot + Upholstery, GL 58

Ruby Rorty :
On blurry nights, + Greenwashing: A Love Story, GL 49

Kayla Roseclere :
12 Steps to Nowhere, GL 7

Philip Rosenthal :
Disturbed Houses, GL 53

Gregory Ross :
I Am the Dizzy Wind, GL 56

Michelle Ross :
Sockets, GL 32

Shana Ross :
Animal Suite: Excerpts from an Abecedarian Self-Portrait, GL 38

Taylor Ross :
Skeletal Sequitur, GL 33

Suzanne Manizza Roszak :
Check #164, GL 44

Bella Rotker :
Becoming weightless, GL 52

Belinda Rowe :
Brittle Bones, GL 57

Santani Roy :
The lost botanist + This house is us, GL 50

C C Russell :
Viscosity, GL 35

Kayla Rutledge :
After Reading The Idiot by Elif Batuman, GL 38

Kristina T Saccone :
Timothy Disbelieves, GL 44

Kiran Kaur Saini :
Lalbir's Laugh, GL 31

Kelly R Samuels :
What Wind Can + Bone Of, GL 36

Natalie Sands :
In Pursuit of Jam, GL 49

Thomas Sanfilip :
Infinity, GL 23

Sylvia Santiago :
I can't drink coffee without drinking, GL 51

Sarah Sarai :
My Father Sleeps Rough in His Dreams + Complexities Run Interference, GL 32

Diyana Sastrawati :
A Daughter Writes a Letter, GL 17

Brita Sauer :
Where a Process Flares + But Then We Don't, GL 57

Delaney Saul :
Inhabited, GL 31

Phil Sawdon :
Witnessing Drawing's Carcass, GL 17
Nowhere on Paper, GL 20
Fresh Shavings, GL 29

Slawka G Scarso :
When You Tell Your Wife 'You're a Cow' One Time Too Many, GL 50

Eric Schaller :
Hemoglobin, GL 11

Robyn Schelenz :
Wizards + Stable + Drought, GL 51

Rebeccah von Schlieffen :
Monsoon Season, GL 38

Carla Schwartz :
The Color of Lake Water, GL 53

Ben Segal :
Houses/Bodies (Lingual Geometries #3&5), GL 3

Smitha Sehgal :
When Sea Came Calling, GL 48

Adreyo Sen :
Resurrection, GL 15

Mathew Serback :
Statements of Fact about the Edge of the Earth, GL 21

Claudia Serea :
The spider strings beads + The boy climbs the spiral staircase +
Night and day, the crow and the seagull
, GL 13
Writing on the Walls at Night, GL 20

Sanjeev Sethi :
wrangle + rifeness, GL 55

Mir-Yashar Seyedbagheri :
The Real Romanovs: Taped And Shot Before A Live Studio Audience, GL 22
A Bunny's Kidnapping, GL 25

Sea Sharp :
Shrinkology, GL 17

Vicky Sharples :
H(a)unting + Tempus Edax Rerum + The Art of Preservation + The Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Harty, GL 38

Sheree Shatsky :
a glimpse of what's coming, GL 54

Eric Shattuck :
Fever of Thyself, GL 20

Evan James Sheldon :
The Opposite of an Echo, GL 33

Beth Sherman :
My Father Was a Cuttlefish, GL 58

Carol Shillibeer :
Alice Files + passenger expectation + Report to the Director, GL 15

Gary J Shipley :
Bomb Caviar (excerpt from Spook Nutrition), GL 6

Austin Shirey :
Red Balloon, GL 43

Vik Shirley :
Crossing the Streams + Lifestyle, GL 50

Nicholas Siegel :
I Am Made of Bones, GL 34

Andrew Siegrist :
Jonah in the Whale, GL 58

Katha Sikka :
Metaphor . . . Did You Mean to Say Methyl Blue?, GL 18

Kimberly Silva :
The Kitchen Chronicles, GL 49

M E Silverman :
Red-Lipped Batfish, GL 51

Ginger Simons :
Washed., GL 25

Nicole Simonsen :
Serenade 2050, GL 31

Sumitra Singam :
Shoyu-Tai Sea, GL 52

Sravani Singampalli :
Empty Sceneries, GL 28

Tanya Singh :
i am mona lisa, GL 26

Jeanine Skowronski :
Sisters with a Gone Mother, GL 51

Gary Sloboda :
Eclipse + Flood II + Mementos, GL 33

Dale Smith :
Ed Dorn's Hat, GL 8

Ellen Kathleen Smith :
The Forgotten Lungs of Birds, GL 25

Paul K Smith :
The Women of Paris, GL 32
The 'Mona Lisa' Women, GL 51

Todd Smith :
I Guess the Orange Cat, GL 33

Cheryl Snell :
Footman + Samsara + Apology + firebug@ the giggling id + Bad News, GL 49

Stuart Snelson :
Home Improvements for the Apocalypse, GL 20

Carina Solis :
opal eyeballs stored in a bottle, GL 46

Ezra Solway :
No Need to Knock, GL 44

Grace Song :
Quiz: A Smart Girl's Guide to Boys by American Girl™, GL 38

Sarah Sorensen :
The Miraculous, Unknowable Me, GL 18

L Soviero :
Second Swing from the Left, GL 24

Star Spider :
Insomnia, GL 16

Arthur Staaz :
The Lost Art of Reverie, GL 21

Kelly Stark :
New Bodies, GL 15

Chrissy Stegman :
To 1993: You are when I loved the open air & I loved everything, GL 48
The Girl Who Went South, GL 55

Annie Stenzel :
Palimpsest + Elegy: South Island, New Zealand, GL 36

Phillip Sterling :
Needless to Say, GL 43

S D Stewart :
History of a summer song + Daylight savings spent, GL 7

Todd Clay Stewart :
On the Way to Encido, GL 45

Chelsea Stickle :
Nothing Is Ever Destroyed, It Just Changes Form, GL 41

Linda Ann Strang :
Sunfish, GL 12

strannikov :
Your Local Wormhole Invites YOU, GL 1;
From a Street-Lit Dark Room, GL 3;
Constable Pulse and the Sunny Dystopia, GL 5;
Vivisectionist Seeks Clientele, GL 10;
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy vs Mrs. Grue, GL 14

Cassidy Street :
The Ordering of Things: Circular + Going Dutch, GL 29

Kelly R Samuels :
Perihelion, GL 30

Alina Stefanescu :
Six Things You Can't Give Up, GL 30

Tara Stillions Whitehead :
Self Portrait for the Late Édouard Levé, GL 37

Jan Stinchcomb :
It's Called Deception, GL 30

Sarah Stockton :
The Placenta Effect + Lucretia's Legacy, GL 35

Betsy Streeter :
Letting Go of the Lizard, GL 23

Dale Stromberg :
Lies Breathed through Silver, GL 39

Nina Sudhakar :
Figurative Disappearances, GL 26

Miye Sugino :
Youth, Personified, GL 41

Jay Vera Summer :
Birthday Party, GL 29

Malcolm Sutton :
From Scenes from a Failing Horizon part 1, "Field Trips", GL 8

Natalya Sukhonos :
A Stranger Home, GL 31

Thea Swanson :
Obidos Women, GL 19
Eggie Finds Her Voice, GL 37

Jake Syersak :
From Notes to Wed No Toward, GL 8

Kate Tagai :
Glass Vision, GL 17

Xenia Taiga :
Space Boy, GL 10

Mary Ellen Talley :
Tether Ball in Ice + Why There Is No (Clown) Moon, GL 56

Kenny Tanemura :
A Tree in Hanoi, GL 45

Charles Tarlton :
The Rock in a Jar, GL 32
The Snowy Egret, GL 42
Persephone + More Than Meets the Eye + Fare Passi da Gigante, GL 45

Olivia Treynor :
Map of My Prehistory, GL 42

Susan Triemert :
When the Moon Fell from the Sky, GL 43

Liliana J Taylor :
Apis, GL 22

Sean Thomas :
Still Life Insomniac, GL 3

Paul Thompson :
The Sleeping Ones, GL 54

Caitlin Thomson :
Bow-Edison after the Rains, GL 29

Kristina Thornton :
Our Ruby Anniversary, GL 48

Alison Thung :
Foul + Fair, GL 58

Alyssandra Tobin :
In True Green Fashion, GL 44

E Catherine Tobler :
Inventing Isaac, GL 11

Jennifer Todhunter :
We fought ants for mangoes along the jagged coastline, GL 37

Marissa Bell Toffoli :
Ground-Nesting Birds + Are We There Yet? + Cello Song + Moving Portrait, GL 3

Sarah Tourjee :
A Stampede of Horses + Tree + Pieces, GL 11

Nathaniel Tower :
A Blade of Love: Love's Sharp Blade, GL 10

Kerry Trautman :
Seasons of Love (but Not Like the Kind from RENT), GL 55

Leslie Walker Trahan :
Preparation, GL 41

Susan Triemert :
My Mother Spoke Only through Sighs, GL 39

Anna Tuchin :
Sunday Best, GL 32

Graham Tugwell :
The Garden where We Go to Lump, GL 11

Meg Tuite :
Runaway Pronoun for Grief, GL 54

J A Tyler :
Variations of a Brother War (Love Triptych), GL 2

Sarena Ulibarri :
Son of a Gun, GL 14

Cathy Ulrich :
The Arborist Falls in Love, GL 29
The Only Light, GL 51

Pierré V! :
The Coffee Shop and the Man, GL 34

Jennifer Vaknine :
Uncanny Parrots + A Constellation Sideways, GL 32

Diana Valenzuela :
The Ouija Board, GL 34

Tara Van De Mark :
Anatomically Arbitrary, GL 54

Jessica VanDevanter :
Studies in Anatomy, GL 26

Anthony Varallo :
Nicotine, GL 42

Namitha Varma :
Winter in the Heart, GL 18

Victoria Vasterling :
Claustrophobia + Thrills and Chills + No More Singing in the Rain, GL 4

Henry Vauban :
Leaving New York, GL 2

Robert Vaughan :
The Hazards of Moving In with a Couple, GL 11

Fable Vayne :
Only Ever Ashes, GL 10

Travis Vick :
Water Casket, GL 13

Jacob Vincent :
Distant Stories, GL 28

Donna Vorreyer :
Mant(r)a, GL 54

C J Wackerman :
Your Thoughts Exactly + Pliu Waterfall, GL 48

Meredith Wadley :
Ten People, Ten colors (Japanese: Juunin Toiro), GL 37

Vivian Wagner :
Post War + Allegheny Gremlins + Snallygaster, GL 30

Elinor Ann Walker :
Undomesticated Ghosts + This Fishing in the Air, GL 46

Sara Wallace :
When I Was Elven: Scenes from Our Neighbors 4th of July Party, GL 47

Kieron Walquist :
Birds Set Free, GL 20

Molly Walsh :
One Last Roll of Kodachrome (for Peter), GL 52

Margaret Walther :
Alluvium + Moraine + Coordinates of a Point + Cymbal Fantasia, GL 2

Sara Walters :
Dead Girls, GL 16

Amy Wang :
Summer Crime Scene, GL 40

Jieyan Wang :
Seven Stories of My Life, GL 34

Tiffany Wang :
Conversations Had at Four-Thirty at Night, GL 21

Sanna Wani :
Thunder Gods and Sky Gods, GL 30

Everett Warner :
If You Want to Piss Off the Devil, Mess Up a Ritual, GL 20

Irene Watson :
Lilac Tree, GL 40
Different Coloured Days, GL 44

Richard Weaver :
Learning to Live with Global Warming Climate Change Idiot Landlords + Taking Orders, GL 26
The Museum of Lost Memories, GL 39
The Topiaries Are Menacing, GL 43
The Earworm of Laughter, GL 45
A myopic ostrich stood outside + The cat who barked up the wrong family tree, GL 48
A Tree fell into forest + A Double orange-yoked egg, GL 58

Ann Weil :
When the Scammer Gives You Peanuts... + Cougar, GL 50

Adam Weinstein :
Collars, GL 3

Edward Wells II :
"What Tricks Are These?", GL 12

Courtney Welu :
I Visit My Father in the Afterlife, GL 57

Erik Wennermark :
Kallie Koetze, GL 4
Master Li Hongzhi, GL 28

Zack Wentz :
Into Work, GL 11

Paris Weslyn :
In Halls + Herstory + Honey, GL 29

Joshua Wetjen :
Air, GL 57

Robert Wexelblatt :
Petite Suite Impropre, GL 14

John Wheaton :
The Zoo, etc., GL 18

Sarah Wheeler :
Beautiful and Rare, GL 21

Rick White :
The Hand, GL 47

Robin White :
There's No Fighting Concupiscence, GL 28

Becca Wild :

Greta Wilensky :
Texas, 2003 + Texas, 1968 + Leaving Texas, GL 21

Melissa Wiley :
Pterodactyls on Planes, GL 17

Joshua Wilkerson :
a snow globe, GL 37

Virginia Wilkerson :
Metaphor — Crumpling Glass, GL 15

Meeah Williams :
Family Programming + Sssh! + Happy Endings, Inc., GL 16

Vanessa Willoughby :
Complimentary Colors, GL 12

Dawn Wilson :
Untitled, GL 10

Paul-Victor Winters :
Untitled (Harriet) + Untitled (Significance), GL 34

Francine Witte :
Stacks + Chicken Suit, GL 36
Mom's Dalmatian Dog, GL 38
Balance + Dad Always Looked Like a Mountain, GL 46
After the Snowmelt + My Eyes Keep Looking for You, GL 47
Boat Sink, GL 51

Valerie Witte :
Selections from Flood Diary, GL 8

Landon Wittner :
Dissociating, GL 52

Mikal Wix :
The Meeting + Disorder in C-Sharp Minor, GL 47
Your Baptism Is My Oubliette, GL 54

DJ Wolfinsohn :
HR Dept., GL 55

Cheryl Wollner :
We, the Clock and the Moon Boys, GL 23

Jasmyne Womack :
Drosophila, GL 17

Brenna Womer :
I'm here today, and, GL 41

Nicolette Wong :
That Honest House Has Been Exorcised + The Sky Has Sprouted a Many-Colored Void + Ghost Guards on the Beach, GL 11
The Night Watchers + The Hallway + The Asylum, GL 38

Peter Wood :
Funeral for a Dreamer + Tunneled into Prances, GL 36

Jennifer Woodworth :
Wake, GL 35
Even the Sky, GL 37
The Handless Maiden, GL 42
Of All the Ladders, GL 46

John Dermot Woods :
Role Model, GL 1

Lauren Woods :
Bindweed, GL 56

Haley Wooning :
Untitled + Untitled, GL 27

William Kelley Woolfitt :
Buying Snowball Pumpkins in Athens, Tennessee, GL 52

Jacob Wren :
Artists Are Self-Absorbed, GL 8

Evangeline Wright :
The Night Children, GL 33

Janet Jiahui Wu :
He Wrote To Me About an Avant-Garde Swedish Film, GL 37

Nathan Xie :
Perseveration, GL 43

Kyle Yadlosky :
Fire Puppets, GL 9

Ming Wei Yeoh :
Bull Face, GL 56

Ecem Yücel :
Poetical Chairs + Siren Song, GL 50

Ann Yuan :
The Hibiscus, GL 46

Maura Yzmore :
Dani, Twice in Mahogany and Bronze, GL 27
Chocolate, GL 28

Tara Isabel Zambrano :
Bird Bones, GL 30

Ali Zarbali :
Plague Elegies, GL 47

Madison Zehmer :
Ex Nihilo, GL 36

Dilon Zeres :
Flowers in the Window, GL 35
A Love Story, GL 37

Elena Zhang :
Metabolism + Let's Make Lasagna, GL 52

Lucy Zhang :
Paper Clips Are Not Biodegradable, GL 37

Louis Zieja :
This Is All Your Fault, GL 37

Daniel Zweier :
Sit Down in This Circle, GL 25

Tola Zysman :
Ribbons, GL 46


Interview with Benjamin Niespodziany, GL 47

featured books (excerpts)

Stacey Levine's Frances Johnson, GL 1

Oisín Curran's Mopus, GL 2

Hans Karl Artmann's The Quest for Dr. U, GL 3
Rick Crilly's The Tablecloth Trick, GL 3

Kyle Muntz's Sunshine in the Valley, GL 4

Jane Unrue's Life of a Star, GL 5

Shane Jones's Light Boxes, GL 6

Edmond Caldwell's Human Wishes / Enemy Combatant, GL 7

Kristina Marie Darling's Melancholia (an Essay), GL 8

Sholder Greye's Confessions of an Eccentric Old Man, GL 9

Evan Dara's The Easy Chain, GL 11

Jason Hrivnak's The Plight House, GL 12

Sjón's From the Mouth of the Whale, GL 13

Brendan Connell's The Galaxy Club, GL 14

Giancarlo Pastore's Jellyfish, GL 15

Rebecca Cook's Click, GL 16

Mike Meginnis's Fat Man and Little Boy, GL 17

Heidi Seaborn's Give a Girl Chaos, GL 31