J. A. Tyler
Variations of a Brother War
(Love Triptych)
Miller Loved Eliza
Miller loved Eliza and there was a river that ran near their homes. Miller
with his parents, Eliza with hers. Miller was tall. Miller wore boots and
pants. Miller wore button-down shirts. Eliza was a girl who curved. The
river ran. Under rocks were moments that escaped like air. Miller's hands
atop Eliza's. Eliza's pulling out from underneath. There is no way to stop
a river. Even a dam holds it only paused for decades. Proximity of houses
does not make love or lovers. What makes love is one thing that triggers
another that triggers another. Like Miller this Eliza.
Eliza Loved Butterflies
Eliza loved butterflies and loved to watch them hover. The pin-drop of
waiting between wings, when the body drifts and shudders. Eliza's house on
a hill. A meadow between her and the river, butterfly full. Purple flowers
and monarch wings, Eliza laying on her back, woven into the meadow,
watching them pass as clouds. Eliza does not dream of men or children. A
river is a passing thing. Butterflies understand what it means to skip.
Eliza understands what it is to be a girl in a land of looming casualties.
Eliza's sky is blue. Eliza's heart is between these wings.
Gideon Loved Eliza
Gideon loved Eliza. Their houses a breath apart, neighboring hills. Gideon
with his brother Miller. Eliza with her meadow, her parents. Cannonballs
in the sky rupturing into stars. Gideon was tall. Gideon wore boots and
pants. Gideon wore button-down shirts. Gideon saw rocks in the river, the
beauty of Eliza, her hair drowned in butterflies. A dam is a means of
control, Gideon with his hands on Eliza's. Eliza pulling her hands out
from underneath. The only assurance is the coming of rifles and the
fragments of human pictures that develop. Gideon flush with the river.
Gideon fevering for her.
J. A. Tyler is the author of nine books including the recently released Inconceivable Wilson
Scrambler Books, 2009) and the forthcoming A Man of Glass & All the Ways
We Have Failed ( Fugue State Press, 2011). He is also the founding editor of
Mud Luscious Press.