Callan Latham
Bridge Fugue
Listen, I approached the bridge. Listen. I approached the bridge. My shadow approached the bridge. My clay forgiveness approached the bridge. My half-head approached the bridge. My worm-self approached the bridge. My worm-self with its eyes approached the bridge. Listen. I approached the bridge. My two legs approached the bridge. The bridge approached the bridge. My bridge approached the bridge. My shadow unwinding approached the bridge. My shadow unwound approached the bridge. My bent figure approached the bridge. My shrunken hawk approached the bridge. Listen. My mother’s hands. My dahlia plot. Approaching the bridge. My head approaching the bridge. My eaten feast. My two legs wanting two legs approaching the bridge. My mother’s hands approaching the bridge. My found hands approaching the bridge. My body. Listen. My body approaching the bridge. My stone burning. My salt approaching the bridge. My sphere approaching. My sphere approaching the bridge. Listen, I approached the bridge. I approached the bridge. My shadow approached the bridge. Listen. My head.
Callan Latham is a poet from the Midwest. Her work has been published in places such as The Nassau Literary Review, Santa Clara Review and Sybil Journal. She is currently an MFA candidate in poetry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.