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[this box] [will infect] [this box] [also] [the one below it] [even though] [it’s not been] [written yet] [and its position] [will change] [depending on its relationship] [to the other] [boxes] [as page margins shrink] [or enlarge] [however] [by now] [the second] [box] [may have already infected] [a third] [box] [and it could be] [any of the boxes] [in the lines above] [but you can’t tell] [because the lines] [written now] [alter the] [arrangement of those] [boxes] [so the box] [up there] [that says] [“however”] [is probably] [infected] [endangering] [the box below it] [that reads] [“any of the boxes”] [and these] [we call] [community infections] [because the infection] [comes from within] [it’s difficult to stop] [so maybe a] [line break] [will slow] [things down] [we’ve also discovered] [that it’s important] [to write] [diseased words] [backwards] [like this:] [tcefni] [and it appears] [to be working] [no] [snoitcefni] [down here] [yet] [another tactic] [is to isolate boxes] [by surrounding an] [detcefni] [word with] [empty] [boxes] [so good] [boxes] [are not] [ ] [infected] [ ] [and so far] [there are still no] [ ] [infections] [ ] [but this must] [be practiced] [rigorously] [by the writer] [in order to stop [ ] [infecting] [ ] [other boxes] [so with these] [rules] [in place] [eventually] [more complicated] [and enjoyable] [boxes] [can be written] [freely] [without the fear of] [ ] [infecting] [ ] [otherwise healthy] [boxes]